About Gratitude

Date: 2021-08-28
About Gratitude

It is no wonder that Shukra, the goddess of love, marriage and romantic relationships, standing for Venus in Vedic astrology, also carries the meaning of thankfulness in Arabic. Venus is truly a manifestation of gratitude in its earthly form, generally showing that our level of inner balance and balance with other people depends on our ability to form thankful relationships and see the good that we are grateful for, instead of focusing on shadows, problems, and negative aspects of any segment of our lives and bonds we make.

The Responsible Ones

Even though Venus would be the final manifestation of our adaptability and gratitude we feel for our earthly circumstances, the primal thankfulness comes from the Moon. When the Moon is set in challenging signs (Scorpio, Capricorn) its biggest lesson to teach is one about thankfulness for our entire support system and family tree (Capricorn) or life itself (Scorpio). Observing individuals with their Moon challenged by position, disposition or aspects, you will see that they recognize others as ingrateful (their own mirror), feel less recognized and as if they have given their all where their heart only got broken. Although this may seem like self-pity at times (or grow to be quite destructive self-pity that distances a person from any intimate relationship), there are much bigger issues behind the scenes, invisible from the first line of contact.

The Moon and the sign of Cancer also represent our family, primarily our mother, but also all circumstances that come with our first home, upbringing, and the closest people we had in our lives when we were vulnerable and dependent babies. It is the representation of our basic needs, not only emotional but physical, and stands for the intensity of love shared with our mothers. So, what can we see when a person constantly recognizes the lack of gratitude in others? We all have to admit that none of us is immune to this feeling, and we all found triggers of a similar pattern in some of our relationships. If we are the ones repeating the pattern through relationships with others, is it possible that our primal relationship has been tainted by ungratefulness? Were our mothers in some way ungrateful? 

Apart from the first nurturing contact, emotional capacities of our fathers intertwine with the issue. Their role might be different, preparing us to be self-sufficient, protected on our own, dignified individuals who choose the right social circles, but they are really a masculine reflection of the mother. The way they treat the feminine during the process of creation of life, while the woman is pregnant and when she has a baby to take care of, speaks of the level of inner conflict we will carry within, choosing loyalties as if we must choose between parents. While we speak about the mother as an archetype of the Moon and all feminine aspects of life, every father shares the same amount of responsibility for their inner feminine world at the moment of birth of his child. Were our fathers the ones who were ungrateful? 

Will of the Child

If we take into consideration the possibility that each Soul agrees to terms and conditions of their lifetime in one body, then the choice of life, family and circumstances are every individual’s personal agenda. No matter how we might choose to observe this issue, every baby that is born comes here accepting all the trauma, generational residues, pain and sorrows from their family line. In addition, every baby comes with unconditional love for the mother, primal creator of life, and the first person they bond with. In a way, this means that each child comes to share their mother’s burdens, join in on all her negative emotions alongside those happy and positive ones. 

Astrologically speaking, growing up means finding balance of Cancer and Capricorn, proceeding from our baby years where we have no personal responsibility, towards old age and absolute responsibility for our own lives. To keep the love flowing, we must accept that we were maybe seen as a burden instead of a blessing, labeled to be who we never were, but still found love and joy in life to decide that we WANT to be here in the first place. If the mother did not understand the greatness of her little child and that baby’s meaning in her own emotional world, this should be the core of forgiveness for any grown individual. Wounds cause unawareness, numbness, and pain makes hurt common grounds. Every mother would have done everything in her power to give absolute love to her child, if she had the capacity to do so. Each of our mothers has been deeply hurt, just as we may be by their lack of contact today, and in time, this is bound to be forgiven once love flows over wounded ego and anger. 


Forgiveness is a word used to often, as if it was easy to just step out of generational patterns and our deepest wounds and say – this is okay, I accept it. Personal boundaries should not be forgotten or neglected in our attempt to forgive the lack of love, recognition, and gratitude we found in our families. Still, we must understand the fact that what angers us in lack of gratitude in others, only speaks of our own lack of gratitude for life. Is life small? Were our parents indebted to give us a bigger present than life itself while carrying so many of their personal wounds? Are we the ones ungrateful and engaging in relationships that teach us how to change?

There is no room for blame or guilt here. Each newborn is the first breath of life, life itself, and this is what we all were. This in mind, our parents and our entire family tree expressed their gratitude for life itself and instantly taught us how life should be valued. It is the first lesson we learn with the first breath we take. So, if you are in the mood to forgive someone today, or wish to understand how thankful or unthankful someone was to have your helping hand or your love, ask yourself if experiences shared gave your life enough value and is it now time to move on? Perhaps Life is enough to be thankful for, for any person ever born. 

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