Freedom Turned Upside-Down
What is freedom and what our convictions have to say on the subject? How is the human mind limited to opinions and overthinking when actual freedom is found in the flow of emotion that is wild, liberated, and untainted by beliefs about freedom that other people have. Our boundaries need to be strong in order for Uranus to show its true qualities, simply because distance and time spent behind our personal walls in solitude, meditation, in contact with our body, allows us to differentiate on what belongs to our emotional world and where beliefs of others conflict with our inner sensations. For as long as we believe that FreeLove is the one where everyone sleeps with everyone, at the same time; for as long as we believe that FreeBody is the one taking mind altering substances and tainting our physiology with what it doesn't enjoy; for as long as we believe that FreeMind is the one that separates genders, races, and ages; we probably won’t feel free in the depth of our hearts.
Astrology Overview
Freedom is directly represented by Uranus, Aquarius and our eleventh house, making things somewhat stressful and complicated to untangle and truly understand until we kick in on our internal enlightenment and truly connect with the right tribe. The true sense of freedom might come in waves, as a lightning strike here and there, or suddenly tear us away from issues we tried to fight for, for as long as humanly possible. The core of Aquarius is the breaking point where all those wrong convictions from Capricorn (Jupiter’s fall) held us in chains, restricted, and tired, and the true sense of freedom comes when we connect our sense of responsibility with the right beliefs and Jupiter’s exaltation in the sign of Cancer. This is also a place where we are bound to get some physical rest so our emotions can get the structure and support needed r us to feel calm.
Keep in mind that we cannot be mentally strong and in touch with the voice of God and the Universe (Aquarius) that is pure, if we don’t have a clear foundation in its preceding sign with all its challenges and its tendency to dismiss emotion, our need to belong, and our most fragile cravings of the heart. The distance we create from other people in Capricorn, typically serves as a plank to jump from into the unknown, separating our world of personal beliefs from the intertwining effects of those of other people. The pressure can become immense, almost unbearable, if we are constantly told that we must act as a “grownup” (while we feel that we must nurture the child within), be more responsible (when we carry rocks and mountains of responsibility for others), or stay professional (when we only desire to love what we do). Solitude, isolation, and getting in touch with our physiology allow us to actually SEE what we can do that is opposing (Uranus) those imposed “grownup” and “rational” group convictions that we are fed by every day.
The Problem with Freedom
The problem we all need to face is our need to belong to the collective that pushes us towards personal compromise we don’t truly believe in. Each and every one of us has a natural set of beliefs that are carried in our heart and pushed around by the collective “truths” that we simply don’t believe in if we are honest with ourselves. Compromises made in the sign of Aquarius (where Sun is in detriment to fit into social circles) push our inner child to feel restraint, and back to ages when tradition (Saturn as the primal ruler of Aquarius) defined our freedom as if decades and centuries of liberation never happened. Tradition is the foundation to be undoubtedly respected, cherished, and learned from, just as all those shadows from our family tree that want us to shed a light on them. Still, the true sense of liberation comes from overcoming limitations of our ancestors and the past, and making progress towards a different future, stepping out of Saturn’s circles to be one step closer to enlightenment.
The Cure
Solitude comes as our cure and this is exactly what signs of Capricorn and Pisces teach us every day. Surrounding our personal freedom, they remind us that meditation, isolation, and our shy personal world that needs to be safe and sound as a tender core of the heart, represent true strengths and the source of joy for each of us. It isn’t easy to separate all things that need to be separated so that responsibility can be clearly taken by parents, by those who were wounded and did us wrong, by ancestors who left us their baggage to claim. Luckily, our bodies come as these perfect machineries meant to ground higher consciousness if we only listen to their calling. What isn’t ours will reflect on our health, and as free children we are in tune with the need to be healthy, loved, supported, and belong in a much larger sense than that limited by the circumstances we grew up in. We are to overcome limitations of those who preceded us with enough love to nurture and cherish their need to create life itself, and bless us with our physical existence just as it is.
We are to see for ourselves that our inner emotional needs connect with sexuality in purity of intimate contact, not the satisfaction of instincts separate from the heart. We are to see that our feelings are meant to drive our careers and move us forwards through creativity and inspiration, instead of working nine to five in offices without windows we don’t love. We are to see that our true strength comes from anger, conflict, tears and sorrows, and not from hiding our inner truth. We are to see our purest feelings, however inadequate they might be, embracing their calling and sensations they give through our body and health. But we are to see all these things in clarity of solitude, so we can understand that they are truly our own and that all relationships are to touch our souls, not to break our heart.
Some of us have a long way to go. Others will find the glimpse of faith to hold on to as soon as this evening, and some already have. Whatever the case, we all have only one direction to follow and it is never found in outer authorities, beliefs and systems we belong to, but in our personal structure of inner support and love for childish, angry, spoiled, shy, secluded and tossed away Self. Our wounds don’t define us but might control us if we don’t give them the right to belong so we can truly be free to be ANYTHING that we ARE. What we all desire the most is to be free to be deeply vulnerable, childlike, happy and safe at the same time, so we can truly grow in touch with our core. Our truest freedom is the freedom to breathe, relaxed and happy for being alive.