Full Blood Moon Eclipse In Scorpio: Morpheus And Pluto—Aiming To Misbehave
If you’ve read Neil Gaiman’s Sandman graphic novels or viewed the Netflix series, you’ll know about the Sandman. If you don’t, he is a primordial god that has existed since the beginning of time. Gaiman took liberties with the Greek god's origin story. He recasts Morpheus as the child of Father Time and Mother Night. He is one of the seven immortal beings known as the Endless, who are more powerful than the gods. Without him, people can not dream.
Though Morpheus is an immortal older than Pluto, aka Hades, they share the quality of forcing change on the mortal world. With his dreams, Morpheus instructs, enlightens, and punishes mortals.
Morpheus’ power came with crushing responsibility. One day AWOL from his duties caused havoc, and extended periods away resulted in disaster. Morpheus suffered seventy years of imprisonment in the TV series from a wizard’s spell gone wrong. After he escaped and returned, Morpheus discovered the mortal world in chaos, and his realm disintegrated.
And you thought your work couldn't do without you.
The asteroidMorpheus is a player in this eclipse because it sits very close to the change-agent Pluto. Pluto, the planet of transformation,aims to misbehave with this eclipse.
How do we know?
In true Archer style, the world suffered a conflagration that incinerated the world's financial house.
In six months, Pluto changes sign after a fourteen-year journey traveling through Capricorn. This six-month period aligns with the range of influence for this eclipse period. And the symbols are heady and thought-provoking.
This full moon on November 8, 2022, is a blood moon. During a lunar eclipse, the earth sits between the sun and the moon blocking the sun’s light. The moon appears red because sunlight passes through Earth’s atmosphere first.
A blood moon occurs when the full moon coincides with a total lunar eclipse and magnifies the importance of these next six months. This cycle highlights concealed information Because the moon hides behind the earth. With the eclipsed sun in Scorpio, these next six months will feature secrets and power plays.
During this full moon, two planets sit on either side of the eclipsed sun in the secretive and controlling Scorpio. Mercury, the communication planet, and Venus, the money and love planet, conjunct the Scorpio sun. Venus, The planet of love and money, cozies up to the moon’s south node. This mathematical point of the moon represents fate or destiny.
Venus in Scorpio can show where others betray us for their own needs. This story played out in the myth of Pluto and Persephone. Her mother was man’s most important goddess. Demeter, the goddess of the harvest. Pluto kidnapped Persephone and made her the Queen of the Underworld. It is not clear if she was the unwilling victim that legend makes her.
The goddess Venus had a hidden role in Persephone’s abduction. In a vicious prank, she placed a spell on all the male Olympians to lust after Persephone. Venus’ prank wreaked chaos in the home of the gods as they fought over the maiden. Grim Hades, not immune to the spell, sought Persephone to steal her away to his underworld realm. Zeus gave his blessing to the union, probably to quell the havoc in Olympus. However, he didn't tell his sister, Demeter, that he conspired with Pluto in Persephone’s abduction. This obfuscation resulted in creating the seasons, forever changing the earth.
It is a story worthy of any soap opera.
Grab the popcorn, folks. Expect juicy secrets to crawl out from under oblivion’s rock for the next six months.
This eclipse brings explosive surprises as the moon in Taurus mingles with unpredictable Uranus.
This electric energy fused to the eclipsed moon could start chaos. Fortunately, the stars have slid in a surge suppressor to keep events from getting extremely interesting. Saturn in Aquarius reigns in the destructive power of the Scorpio/Taurus eclipse. Saturn makes the challenge aspect, called a T-Square, to the sun and moon. Astrologers call this a T-Square.
But there is enough wiggle room so Pluto and his partner-in-crime, Morpheus, can misbehave. They tell us that ignoring our dreams makes life a waking nightmare. Together they will deliver the kick you need to work on getting what you want.
These are the general influences this eclipse brings you for the next six months.
At odds with the eclipse's energy, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo can be victims of nefarious deeds. Whether someone steals your candy bar from your desk or your jewels from your house, you might lose something precious. Please take this as a friendly warning to lock up your valuables, car, and house, even if it's different from your usual practice.
Water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces should also take extra care with valuables. Also, for the next six months, you may have difficulty seeing the obstacles under your feet. Under the influence of the planet of illusions, Neptune, and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, it’s easy to believe you have life under control. All it takes is one second of inattention to rack up a loss you’ll regret.
Gemini and Libra concentrate on accomplishing goals. Don’t let people draw you into controversies.
Aries, walking around with a feeling you can’t get anything right will trip you up. It’s time to pay more attention to loved ones if you want to feel some love.
Capricorn, your biggest problems are ones you created yourself. Reach out to friends. You have more than you know.