Knight of Cups Tarot Card

Knight of Cups Meaning
The sense of clear vision and our ability to wear our emotions proudly is seen in the Knight of Cups. He is the warrior for the right cause and also the empathic victim of other people's hidden agendas and secret motives. He will not find happiness in scheming or delusions of any kind, and this card reminds us of our proudness and inner wisdom to carry what we’ve been given with honesty and admiration for Self. It represents our creative force that won’t necessarily materialize right this instant, but over time it becomes inevitable as our active and passionate nature combines with the feel of already having what we desire. The combination of brute masculine strength and the power of the burning element of Fire and feminine, sensitive, vulnerable everflowing Water, might inspire, guide us and give more important directions in life than what we understand today. It represents the link of our subconscious and our conscious worlds, telling us to pay attention to our dreams and all those ideals that motivate us to work, try harder, and make progress towards satisfying and nurturing goals.
With the Knight of Cups in a love reading, a period of passionate romance is before us, courtship and encounters that leave one breathless. It shows falling in love, realization that another person might be the answer to our prayers, and gives us information about the intensity of emotion carried by a relationship. A lot is shared but even more is imagined and contact with reality shouldn’t be lost, even though we are bound to let go to the flow of emotion. There is a lot to hope for with this card set here, but we might be disappointed if we want everything to manifest straight away.
Active and imaginative, the Knight of Cups offers numerous solutions to any problem and gives new professional opportunities if we are willing to follow our passion. It represents our desire to create something important, something other than money to feed our basic needs. With its creative force, anything can be made and incorporated into our routine, and even if we are hasty and overwhelmed by emotion, we will turn out just fine for as long as we bravely follow the feel of the moment. Some barriers might be broken and other people's feelings should be taken into consideration if we are already in a leading role.
Knight of Cups comes in a health reading typically when we are filled with energy and don’t really see anything wrong with our physiology. In case of chronic conditions and troubles we already encountered, this card shows us a new way to heal and release the energy that has been held back by our illness. He understands solid defenses we all need to keep our physiology safe, and at the same time, sees the vulnerability that must be nurtured so we don’t go astray or meet too many unconscious and physical limitations. It is a healthy barrier towards the world and in a challenging setting it may represent skin conditions of all sorts.
Knight of Cups Reversed
If the Knight of Cups is reversed, dishonesty can be expected, and our choices must be founded on the sense of internal balance or too much judgment could taint the entire image. You need to see the big picture and feel your own presence among others, open for interactions that you don’t trust to be worthy of you opening up. This position requires even more bravery, pointing out that the person isn’t ready to show their inner truth but instead turns to lies and deceit. Here, it is important to remember what is truly valuable in life and where our actual priorities and moral imperatives lie. If our hearts are closed for the creative impact of this card, we might fail to realize that we have always needed it open in order to create anything as beautiful as our souls are.
Knight of Cups Time Line
Past - With the Knight of Cups in our reading for the past, we can almost feel the force that brought us to this point in time, in all its light and glory. A lot of energy has been invested in our current projects and while we might lack strength today, we know where to look for it with this card showing our powerful history. It stands for a moment when we were absolutely true with ourselves and open, ready to face the world bravely and with our fragile heart open.
Present - This card won’t show in the present reading if we aren’t extremely potent to do many things in many different ways, successful in each one of them. The direction needs to be chosen, but everything should be given space to move just as the Universe intends it to, before we take bold steps forwards and into the unknown. It is an opportunity for a clean slate and for our moral imperatives to overwhelm and overcome any issue that has been troubling to our heart.
Future - Future colored by such creative and imaginative energies as those of the Knight of Cups seems promising, as if we are about to awaken our inner child any moment and give it everything it needs. It leads to joy and points out the importance of inner balance and a passionate approach to all those things we can control and make even more beautiful than they are today. It is a card of trust in our own core and the center of positive or negative judgment we already carry around today.