Seven of Cups Tarot Card

Seven of Cups Meaning
There is a sense of magic, vision and emotions set free in the Seven of Cups, as if the card is the mission in itself and a reminder of faith we carry within. It connects us with spiritual guidance and speaks of important tasks and ties that needed to be overcome to reach this position in time. Depending on our readiness to allow our Soul to freely evolve, it will enrich us with vision, special dreams and ways to manifest them, and show us the ideal we are meant to strive for. As with Neptune and its idealistic role, this is rarely such a clear card to find close to any personal goals or important relationships, as it might haze the image, bringing too many things into one large mush of atmosphere, where we idealize more than we create. What is clear is its acceptance for the flow of emotion and the talents that are ready to be employed and used for personal growth, until we live the dream. It points out to things that are meant to inspire us, and shows our calling meant to move us forwards through and over any challenges of the real world.
Dreamy and a bit distant, this card represents falling in love as the source of inspiration that enriches our life, but it also brings illusions and idealism that aren’t fed on realistic limitations of the other person. Very often, it will speak of platonic love stories that don’t come alive, someone's muse and the source of inspiration that is meant to remind us of our own inner value rather than manifest through physical contact on a daily basis. Influences from the side should be brought down to a minimum so we can clearly see what the exchange of shared emotions has to show as the solid foundation of a relationship.
Seven of Cups may be inspiring and motivational when found in a career reading, but for strict surroundings with little artistic input, it is more often a signal that something is done behind our back. It is the card of too many opportunities when our choice of direction is hazy and unclear. Also, it shows toxic influences and strange atmospheres in our workplace that need to be acknowledged, for the most sensitive side to our personality gives us the right feel to follow. Instead of trying to be rational, one should believe in their hunch and move only one step at a time instead of planning anything big.
Letting go to the flow is the premise of the Seven of Cups, pointing out unhealthy ties of our heart and mind to other people and toxins we inhale or try to digest from our surroundings. It may stand for all those health conditions that are impossible to diagnose or determine the root for, and tells us to keep away from any medicine that hasn’t been checked harmless, as much as possible. A person with this setting should ask for a second opinion and turn to alternative healing techniques. Whatever you do, be sure to visit only the professionals with proper training and education or interpretations of your physical state might become strange and even harder to understand.
Seven of Cups Reversed
The Seven of Cups in a reversed position is quite shady. Its fog won’t lift up until we are ready to face emotions we have been chasing from and shows that our ties to the past are much stronger and much deeper than we thought. Wrong information and convictions have been accepted as one's truth, and the Soul yearns for liberation from the belief system that was imposed rather than built through healthy relationships and interactions. It points to our need to hide from the pain and give in to dishonesty towards Self just to preserve the image of safety that gives us any sense of peace, even when we know it isn’t truly satisfying or healthy.
Seven of Cups Time Line
Past - Influences on our inner world were made that left their mark to this day. They might make us vulnerable if we haven’t had a chance to metabolize certain traumas, but they will often show the talents we already discovered and have the responsibility to employ. This card is found in the past to point the spot in time when we have touched the Divine, communicated with spirit guides, or followed the dream that we need to be reminded of today.
Present - Seven of Cups suggests caution, just as much as it suggests going with the flow. It is a confusing entity that advises us to turn to solitude so we can see things clearly. Emotions of others reach our core and make a blur in our mind that cannot be overcome with ease. The body needs attention and our boundaries need to be spiritual, energetic and emotional at the same time, rather than purely physical as we often perceive is sufficient.
Future - Any future reading with the Seven of Cups in it seems a bit distant and vague if we aren’t willing to go all the way and find the direction that combines all our desires into one. Time is needed here, as well as our dedication to seeking middle ground. It is the connecting point where we can do things that touch our heart, connect with a partner physically, emotionally and mentally at the same time, and care for our body until we can ground our visions in their entirety. A lot of faith is needed, but with it – anything is possible.