Ten of Coins Tarot Card

Ten of Coins
Tarot Card: Ten of Coins
Planet: Jupiter
keywords: Sharing, Benefactor, Fulfillment
Affirmation: I give and receive in balance.
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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed
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Ten of Coins Meaning

The need for giving to other people and sharing our wealth comes to focus with the Ten of Coins in our reading, as it speaks of the moment when we have rebuilt our foundation and have something for others too. The moment is right to think about new investments, pay for our children's education or travel, or give money to charity causes that feel right. This card is the point of security in life, one that provides enough for everyone out of pure love and need to be a productive member of a much larger whole. It shows that we have nothing to fear and that to keep the energy rushing around and bringing more to the table, we must invest and share so we can be the link needed to make this world a better place. Special philosophies tend to develop here, as the situation allows new perspectives towards the rest of the world, after we have already met our own, personal needs.


As the point of accomplishment in one's life, the Ten of Coins is always a good time to settle in, find someone to build a family with, or share the intimate moment of personal security with the person we love. Physical pleasure reached the point where both partners are satisfied, and it is time to take the relationship onto the next plane. If we get stuck on this level of relating and don’t open our heart and mind for new opportunities, things could start falling apart. Fear shouldn’t distract us from emotions and actual value of people in our life and our own feelings cherished.


When the Ten of Coins appears in a career reading, it is time to change something and give something to the world. While this may represent the final point of the creative process where we are ready to publish our work, it is also a point where we are in a position to offer someone a job, start our own company, or do something to lead the way for those who are currently lost. The power we have today should be soft and kind to others, so we can create a team to work on incredible new things or build something much wider than what we have been building by now.


Ten of Coins represents a stable environment and our ability to give ourselves whatever we need to heal. If there is an illness we are struggling with, this is the right moment to invest in our betterment, explore options that come as suggestions from people close to us, and to open our mind for entirely different solutions. Here, growth is necessary and our body will thank us with health and energy if we are in tune with the need of the moment and relaxed in our current surroundings. Benefactors from the side could help with any issue, or we might learn how to love ourselves more so we can change our approach to physiology. This is the right moment to donate blood or think about investments in the health system on a larger scale.

Ten of Coins Reversed

With the reversed setting of the Ten of Coins in a reading, holding on to the benefits of the material world becomes an issue and greed could kick in as the most negative representation of the card. It is important to remember actual values and things that make one happy, or the satisfactions of reality and touchable pleasures won’t really bring satisfaction our way. The emotional world needs a checkup or we might feel lost and alone even though we seem to have it all. With great risks ahead of us, this card isn’t a good signal and all risks should be avoided, as we have smarter ways to invest and share what we have than those we are considering.

Ten of Coins Time Line

Past - When this card is set in our history, it stands for the turning point where we have either chosen to expand, or feared the consequences and got stuck until things started to fall apart. It shows that we have been forced to grow when we resisted it, and reminds us of the benefits of our flexibility and readiness to widen our horizons and change something in our approach to other people and the outer world. It gives information on times of doubts when choosing to stay in our comfort zone wouldn’t do any good for our Soul or our physical existence.

Present - When Ten of Coins appears in our present, it shows that the time of inner transformation is due, not as a deep and traumatic process, but rather as the moment of expansion and growth. It is a point where one step has been reached and it is time to move upwards onto the next one, on the foundation that is already, obviously there. This card will come into our reading when we believe in others and have a lot to teach and to give to make this world a better place.

Future - In the future, this card speaks of the moment when things will need to change, emphasizing the fact that this moment hasn’t yet come. We cannot give to others what we don’t possess, and interpretations of our selfishness today shouldn’t distract us from goals and desires that are personal, authentic, and necessary for our happiness. Personal satisfaction depends on our focus on the Self right now, so our future can bring benefits to everyone around us.

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