Ten of Cups Tarot Card

Ten of Cups Meaning
Ten of Cups is a card that shares efforts, emotions and happiness with a group, a family or a team. It brings the sense of belonging to a greater whole and shows fulfillment in a social sense, just as much as on our personal plane. Depending on its surroundings and context, it may speak of balance or imbalance of personal with the collective and asks for some quiet time and contemplation, just as much as brainstorming with friends and colleagues, until we find the right balance to hold on to. It is possible that we have found our tribe and we have a lot to share and enjoy within a group, but in one interpretation it may show that we might lose our personal value and authenticity to fit in, if we cross our own boundaries. Here, communication seems to be the key and the right link between the emotional world and reason. Feedback we get will be satisfying and we can be certain that some collective efforts are about to pay off and show valuable results soon enough.
Moving down the stream, the Ten of Cups often shows in a love reading when we are ready to introduce someone special to our family and friends. It is the right moment to join the personal with the collective with boundaries clearly set. On the other hand, single individuals might expect to meet someone new within their social circle or find the right mix of friendship and love with someone they have known for a long time. The important thing here is not to settle or stay stuck in one satisfying outcome, for the abundance of this card won’t allow us to take away our own value for the sake of secure emotional choices.
Our profession relies on teamwork when the Ten of Cups takes the spotlight, and we must acknowledge efforts of everyone involved in our project. There is a sense of togetherness and shared ideals that make the atmosphere in a workplace healthy, supportive and productive. It is a card of high achievements, but also points to our need to move on to a new adventure or challenge, if we have been in the same place for too long. Our team shouldn’t be the main reason we choose our professional direction, but the ideal of Self we strive to share with the rest of the world. From this foundation, we will find the right group to be in.
Emotional harmony is found within the system we belong to and we are safe being exactly who we are. This is a very good card to show in a health reading, for the moment seems to be right to connect with others, gather information, and join a group that will improve our overall wellbeing. Troubles will be overcome as we share them with others, and there seems to be the easy way out of any situation we might be in. In a challenging setting, this card might point to thyroid function or neck problems, as well as speech defects that should be treated by emotional rather than any kind of rational support.
Ten of Cups Reversed
If the Ten of Cups is found reversed, some talents are taken for granted and responsibility isn’t justly shared among members of our social or professional circle. Frustration might rise if we cannot express ourselves fully, but this position might speak of our fear to step out and find the right group to belong to. Opinions of others should be taken as lightly as possible, as feedback on our own journey and signals that we should or shouldn’t move in a certain direction. All information needs to be taken from a safe distance so our authentic personality can remain protected from outer influences in a healthy way. Not everything is meant to be taken personally.
Ten of Cups Time Line
Past - High achievements were reached and we were a part of something much bigger than any solitary effort could have been. With the Ten of Cups in our past, we can see the image of a happy family and those moments from our childhood that taught us positive lessons and made us feel like we belong. It calls for the sense of security we once had, however rare it might have been, and reminds us that all we need to be supported is already there within our hearts.
Present - Ten of Cups in touch with the present time tells us to sit back, enjoy and collect the fruits of our efforts, as well as praise and admiration from other people. We don’t have to rush to new achievements or seek perfection when we are well adjusted to our current surroundings and have a chance to rest before moving forwards. Enjoying the moment for a while won’t push us in a rut if we follow our sensations every day and carefully assess the right moment to move on.
Future - This is the card that announces group celebrations and successes, showing that our sacrifices to fit into certain norms will be worth the effort. It is there to light the way towards the right people and the tribe that will make us feel free to be exactly who we are. When it is set in our future, we have a task to be honest and express our vision as clearly and as carefully as possible, so that those who understand our motives and aspirations may follow and talents can be shared in the most productive way.