Fires Of Mars In Capricorn

One of the most important issues in lives of us earthlings is the exaltation of Mars in the sign of Capricorn. Given its recent contact with Saturn in this sign, we are to recognize the potential for victory, our aggression as the source of strength, and accept obstacles in our lives that have been put there for a reason. Digging may begin, in order for the right foundation for our lives to be set in days to come.
Bits about Mars
When we think about Mars, we instantly think of innovative, fierce, and energetic side to existence that gives us the power to break through any wall if well focused. It is the planet to rule our root chakra and represents our grounding and our ability to be organized, dedicated soldiers on our path of life. We will often see it interfere with emotional issues, cutting through our hearts like a razor, but too often we fail to understand that its frustration leaves us unsatisfied for our primal physical needs and serves to warn us of mistakes we need to fix in our approach to the material world.
Along with Saturn, Mars is considered the ruler of karma and Vedic astrology sees it as the source of our troubles. On the other hand, it is the purest and simplest energy of our body, our material existence, and needs to be respected in any form it shapes in our lives. The planet of aggression and our physical limits, the ruler of sportsmen, soldiers, and those who race with life, it is to be balanced out with our emotional needs to be used constructively and without hurt to follow us on our trail. It stands for the fear of life itself as well as our bravery to step out of our comfort zone, being ready for anything that might surprise us and throw us off our feet.
Challenges and Successes
To understand the purpose of Mars in our chart and in the greater order of things, we need to observe signs of its fall and exaltation. It is currently positioned in the sign that exalts it, Capricorn, and has the right focus to endure through any hardship that might come its way. However, those of us who let feelings interfere with decisions we primarily made might have a hard time focusing on the goal we set out to reach. The fall of Mars is found in Cancer, our emotional barrow. More or less, we are all damaged in our attempt to ground ourselves and sometimes unable to see our bodies as temples meant to serve a larger purpose in this lifetime. Our routine, governed by the Moon, has a way of rushing us into bruises and mishaps, reshaping our existence into challenging and hurtful, and making us unable to pull through the plan to get to our goal in any area of life.
As our feelings get cleansed and residues of negative inheritance left to us by our ancestors begin to fade, we will find ourselves striving high and winning our personal race. Debts are to be paid off and our waters filtered in any possible way if we wish to use the energy we were given by simply being put in our bodies here, on planet Earth. Mars is to say that we carry life and have a responsibility to live it.
What can Be Done?
Luckily, the relationship of Mars and the Moon is a seesaw, constantly keeping us more or less ready to protect and serve our hearts in bodies we have been given. Moon’s point of view teaches us to slow down, inhale, exhale, and feel where our true motivation lies. Once we find the emotional foundation for our endeavors, they become easier, our Mars gets joyous and ready to act, and our entire physiology is employed to serve the greater good that our souls are meant to fight for.
On the other hand, we can work on our grounding, our first chakra, caring for our routine and our bodies in the best way we know how. The best way to clean the karmic energies of Mars that connect us with rivers of ancestors is to walk, walk, run, and train. We are to give our bodies the energetic boost that will improve our immunity, our ability to perform in all other areas of life, and finally influence our ability to protect ourselves from impacts of the outer world. To exalt our own Mars at this time, we are to turn to a supportive timetable, keep our spine happy and nurtured, and expand our physical abilities to the point where we are comfortable and supported. A healthy and a balanced lifestyle prepares us for much more than we are often aware of and helps us understand the link between our body and Soul, opening gates to victories our heart desires most.