Freedom Comes With Pain
As Uranus in Taurus keeps on going, we are beginning to realize the tough side of its fall in Taurus. It is our carrier of freedom, liberated spirit and the higher octave of Mercury, that little social butterfly. With concepts of family, emotional ties and the exaltation of the Moon in Taurus, here it is difficult to see the value of opposition. Imagine a safe, cozy home where you need to embrace the rebellion, tearing down of entire systems, jumping over known routes just to set free into zones of personal awareness that have little to do with our ancestors and more to do with the individual belonging to the higher collective - the untouchable, unseen and unknown.
Not Easy to Rebel
At this point, in order to become rebellious, one must accept the fact that their entire family matters less than their sense of Self and their authentic role in the society. This puts a lot of tension on entire systems that are supposed to be loving and tender, and mostly brings wounds to the feminine energies that wish to collect and multiply emotion and attachment. As cold and as rough as Uranus may be, it is also the excitement and the fireworks of life itself, a spark that brought us here through that first heartbeat, and the stress of stagnant circumstances that requires a breakthrough so that we can keep our physiological and mental health safe. It is imperative that we step out of our comfort zone and see what is on the other side, find if there is actual love for who we are in surroundings that don’t limit us with unhealthy beliefs and drain our life energy away.
The inner struggle is not limited to the individual, for Uranus always speaks of the collective. It is that explosive breakthrough of social concepts that need to be accepted as normal even though they are considered by many to be off the chart of normalcy. Liberation comes with anger, with emotions that are extremely painful, and this is quite logical when we remember that in order to reach for partially visible Uranus we must first move over the boundary of Saturn, that traditional ruler of Aquarius. The foundation of freedom is found in limitations and fences of Saturn that might represent healthy or unhealthy boundaries,but first of all - pain. All the responsibility and pain that we are ready to endure to find ourselves free and true to who we really are.
The Taurus Hideout
The biggest problem that the sign of Taurus has to deal with is in its eighth house - the sign of Sagittarius.Jupiter and Sagittarius bring transformative energies that are needed for the truth to come out. This means that Taurus has a problem accepting the truth and having enough faith (in oneself) that there will be enough resources or strength (detriment of Mars) to deal with the possible future. This keeps Taurus in a constant comfort zone where things are safe enough and create less stress to begin with. Fear of the future may be camouflaged in the best possible intentions, beliefs that family is the most valuable, but in truth, family has little value when there is no love for the individual and when it becomes solely an image of support where one feels lonely, unseen and unheard.
This is exactly where the exaltation of Jupiter in Cancer comes through understanding of the heart, or the Moon. As stressful as it may be, the process always leads to the truth found in our own chest. There is no point in resisting it for the set of circumstances will always return us to the starting point - our own heart. Taurus does understand the Moon but it must come to the level of Self and separate from the system and imposed beliefs that are limiting and unhealthy. This allows every individual to find their own set of values based on the sensation they have in their chest, and act on impulses felt there, in tune with their own pace and their own personal impression of the world. Everyone does have their own truth to discover before taking responsibility for their own life that will finally set them free.
The Truth of Freedom
The primal opposition of Uranus fallen in Taurus comes down to a simple example when it comes to interpersonal relationships. We have on one side, the nurtured child. It is the child with the ideal of family, where they are protected, safe, and holding on to shared values while seeing it imperative to fit into the system in order to survive. On the other side of the opposition, we have individuals that as children are already set free by their system. These are free children, those who don’t have to hold on to rules and norms, those that must take care of themselves no matter the lack of readiness or empathy for their natural emotional pace. With bravery, those free souls must embrace the freedom as their biggest value, for it gives them room to develop on their own, without support. One group will attract the other and as free children break the system of those tied to their families and fake emotional support, those still holding on to family values will give more empathy and love, as they aren’t as separated, angry and disconnected in the first place. One feeds the other and as opposing as it may seem, they really complement one another.
This is where love comes in to save the day, as it allows both of them to accept their differences and see how they share the same pain as no one is ever completely seen by the rest of the world, just as we are all equal as children of the Universe and in that sense - loved by the higher power supporting our evolution. To overcome obstacles in this relationship, there must be enough love for Self and the readiness to deal with emotional pain that is the core of the problem in the first place. It is just as painful to be free in solitude as it is to be stagnant and tied by conditioned love. The only way to set free from both scenarios and truly excel is to accept all the layers of pain (Saturn) that lead us to liberation, go through them, and finally learn that we can in fact be both - loved and free.