Making Ourselves Whole
Our entire horoscope is the map of our own Soul in all its unity, along with all those maleficent planets and positions, all its squares and oppositions, and the atmosphere living in our eighth house – distant and often thrown into trash. Planets and entities found in our eighth house speak of those parts of our personality that go deep and that we tend to oversee, push aside, or simply feel shame for, even though they are always as humanly and normal as in all other people.
Meeting Our Shadows
If we resist the call of our inner darkness through pain, we will be pushed and reminded by tough circumstances that things in our life need to change. It will certainly be a lot easier for someone whose first house ruler communicates well with maleficent entities in their chart to move from experiences that limit and hold them back. However, we aren’t all blessed by such positions, and normally we will see that people all struggle with similar fears and limitations, governed and founded on their primal fear of death. Luckily, we know nothing about death in the larger image of things, and this allows us to set free and “wait” for our time to come in perfect bliss, if we are willing to let go of the fear of the unknown and simply live in the moment.
Matters of shadows are always emotional and subconscious, and we are to take time to deal with them and bring them to the surface. Psychology with all its methods might help, as well as all sorts of energetic healing, regression, shamanism, and examining our family tree. The depth of research needs to be put through the lens of our emotional selves though, or it will just be a row of information that don’t show the realm of individual responsibility to the person collecting it. We must realize that our lives are solely in our own hands before we decide to give authority to anyone else and see the outer world as the source of our troubles. This speaks well of the primal conflict of the Sun with Saturn and their points of exaltation and fall so close to one another in Aries and Libra.
When the Structure Fails
The first signal that something is wrong with our perception of Self is the set of circumstances that move too slowly, our inability to be a part of a system, a larger whole, to work and build our career, or the material push of the outer world making us change even when we don’t want to. All situations that seem to have no way out aren’t really there to be seen as inevitable, and even though lessons of Saturn always speak of acceptance, they never mean we are to stay stuck in what we’ve accepted. The static nature of Capricorn isn’t static at all when you think about it, for this is a cardinal sign where Mars is exalted, and it sees no sense in NOT making a move towards a better future. What we ARE to accept is reality, just as it is at this moment in time, so we can work our way out of burdening circumstances with a constant connection to what is true and present.
Right now, Mars is at the degree of its exaltation in Capricorn, raising its weary head after helping us learn so much about our inner world. It is ready to teach us how strong and committed we can be, as we embrace ourselves with all our “weaknesses” and inner inadequacies. The anger is to become constructive, our energy pointed in the right direction, and our future predefined by our moves as soon as we accept where we are at the moment and what the truth of the matter is. Move towards a happier you, realizing that your only complete Self lies in the balance of oppositions you carry within. The weaker you get, the stronger you’ll feel. The more of the “negative” you see and embrace in your heart, the easier it will be to embrace others and find the point of relating that makes you happy. To make ourselves whole, we are to see that there is no shame and no guilt in being human, for as long as we are ready to take full responsibility for our own happiness, even if this means setting clear boundaries to those who love us but unconsciously take away our strength.