Romanticizing The Past
Nostalgia will find ease into our hearts these days if we don’t have a plan and a joyful goal to look forward to. Venus is in the sign of Leo, and this would be perfectly fine if not for its opposition with Saturn, square with Uranus and an intense chase for Mars in all this tense atmospheres. In general, the sense of freedom comes to focus and everything that takes away our creativity or kills away our faith in love, beauty, and truthful manifestation of our hearts, is about to feel like torture.
The Lesson
If we observe Saturn as our final exam, the teacher that is strict, dark, straight out of a horror movie, and see how beautiful and tender Venus is, the image will become clearer. The trick may be to find beauty in the pain, our own faith in loving little things, in where we stand right now, find our place in this moment in time and find our happiness within. Still, this is easier said than done and we will be faced with emotional shadows from the past, loves lost, loss in general, lack of freedom and acceptance, and all the feelings that won’t let us rest. Loss of sleep and loss of rest in general lead to all sorts of quarrels, trouble keeping the healthy dialogue going, and might push us into depressive thoughts and ideas if we are not tender with our true inner cravings. On the other hand, Mars is involved in the entire scheme as well, and we all need practical step and choices in order to move from unhealthy and stagnant positions that drain our life force away.
Since Leo’s biggest reward comes through bravery, and after all those weeks behind us that were passive with Mars and Venus moving through Cancer, our task requires extreme stability to be dealt with. Don’t expect miracles from yourself and if you need a moment to wallow for what once was, give it to yourself, just try not to stay there for too long. Turning our head to face and look into the future, we are all reminded that there IS a way to resolve the situation that pressures us and makes us sad. What lacks might be found in a different place, with other people, and in relationships that we haven’t had a chance to establish due to debts of the past. To be ready for big steps that we can see are needed, what we need most is rest, so we can build the strength to be as brave as we need to be.
Fear and Faith
The loop of Mars and Saturn comes down to the conflict of the material world with the spiritual one. Should we exercise or meditate? Maybe it is our best option to do both, in a fine balance.
When these entities oppose one another, matters of religion might become more important than usual, not so much because of beliefs shared or conflicted, but because of its implementation in the reality we try to create. If oneness is to be discovered, shouldn’t it be the priority to find faith in yourself first, and only then turn to any collective effort to understand the world? Saturn is a visible planet that is the hardest to “reach” which is exactly why it stands for the essence of faith in God, time, and the beats of the Universe that we belong to. It is the ultimate synchronicity exalted in Libra, where true balance can be seen, not the one our little ego is trying to show (the Sun falls in Libra). What if everything is already in perfect balance, and what if this is what we must accept, right now?
If you feel stuck, this is exactly where you need to be until you go deeper, discover the real core of the wound you carry around, to finally find the love within you to heal. As difficult as things may get, our ties to the past are real and rare are those enlightened to be ultimately free. What we must remember is that the past is where our inner child is found. What we yearn to return to, while trying to plan narrow and “reasonable” plans, speaks of the faulty side to our ideas and the views that have been limited by someone else’s instructions, strict solutions, and beliefs that we felt we had to succumb to, to be able to survive and belong in this world.
Love That Once Was
Since Venus and Mars speak of touchable, real love stories, and stand in conflict with shadows of the past provoking our freewill, there is no way around the impact of love shared and what it turned out to be like over time. Many questions will finally be answered, but not before we face pain, struggle, guilt or regret. It is wise to see the childlike note to any story we had or have at the moment, what we miss and what would be missed if we were to move on. What do we really have to lose in any relationship apart from our dignity? Perhaps it is a piece of ourselves that we tied to another, thinking that it isn’t ours to claim? If someone is ours, can they ever really be lost for us or take bits of us away where we are not? What if we only fell in love with the version of ourselves that was sparked by pure contacts, while they were still pure?
Since the sign of Cancer is the foundation for Leo, its twelfth house and what it relies on, to blow wind into our sails and break the pattern, find that sense of oneness, take the next step bravely, we must first be brave to see that what we need more of is love and support. With all the family issues and emotions that come from Cancer, this should basically be a push forwards on a new foundation, one that taught us to give emotional support to ourselves when no one else could. Instead of replaying patterns (Saturn) we can be tender enough to rest from their tension, from all the “no” and “impossible” we once heard and give a bit of room to ourselves to breathe.
Heal Who You Were
Our childlike sense of freedom will be retrieved as we see that we’ve been children bruised, neglected out of best possible intentions, taught to fight when it was necessary to cry, heal, and feel accepted and loved. We were wounded, just as those who stood before us, just as those who hurt us while thinking they were keeping us safe. While we probably shared numerous wonderful moments in all love stories gone wrong, what really tied us to the past was the need to love those unhealed versions of everyone involved.
The best thing you can do in the following couple of weeks is to get in touch with the You that once was. Meditate on past versions of yourself, imagine you, give yourself an inspirational talk, or give yourself a hug. Be the adult that you were once in need of, and the lover of You that you wanted someone else to be. Cycles from the past will be completed once you find a way to give to yourself what you tried to get from another, as this gave their own lifepath the power to shape your own. To take this power back, become that person, use the quality that keeps you tied and talk to your reflection in the mirror. Once you find peace with yourself, all those romanticized versions of what once was will fade, and you will be complete and free to live in the moment and create the future you have been craving to live in.
With bits and pieces of you reconnected, go for a long walk and find your grounding, exercise to spark the flow of energy in your body, and you will easily make yourself ready to initiate a new and fresh phase of life that will bring you more satisfaction and happiness.