Uranus In Taurus, A Time Of Brilliance

As all grand moves in the zodiacal circle, the move of Uranus to Taurus has already been shaking up our circumstances and giving us glimpses of inspiration for a while. It isn’t a transition that will last an instant and easily shift to second gear, but something to serve our deepest emotional needs in the long run. It is about to to make ripples to our material world, our earthly existence and our land of satisfaction for the next 8 years and its effects have already been present and will be felt for decades to come.
The Myth and Reality
The mythical background for the contact of Uranus and an earthly sign governed by Venus is found in a parental bond. By one of the versions, Venus came to be when genitals of Uranus fell into the realm of Neptune – the sea, and is created by its physical, highly sexual existence combined with the foam of the oceans and the most untouchable spheres of the ideal. Venus is Uranus’ daughter and as such, she is supposed to carry its heritage in her primal glow, as a goddess of love that is ready to set free, stay inspired, surprised, and tear apart from toxic bonds and influences that taint her image in any way. She is the one to give pure love and inspiration in utter freedom, but the presence of tragedy in the collective consciousness guides us to believe that love is there to be held on to for as long as we can.
In our current reality, there is no sign known to be more static than the sign of Taurus. Changes don’t come naturally in the cozy world of satisfaction and beauty, as if we all had to adjust to positive circumstances to deal with the negative ones, leading to stagnation in situations and atmospheres that are long gone and already belong to the past. Depending on our ability to let go to the flow of time, and our belief that our lives are moving towards new inspiring moments and even more beauty, we will be more or less shaken by the upcoming transition.
Ripples and Wonders
The stress of first impulses and moves that Uranus is going to make will probably be great. The real challenge here is to understand the positive turn and the liberation it brings to all stale and obsolete things that keep us tied to one point of awareness. In order to grow, we all need to embrace our own freedom and find a way to let go of all issues that don’t make us happy anymore. This is a great impact on physiology, especially in those born with their ascendant in the sign of Taurus, meant to serve as a reminder that their purpose in life is different than what they are trying reach by simply “living a normal life”.
Faulty beliefs and convictions on what “normal” is, could lead to impossible and highly stressful consequences, and leave us bruised, torn apart, and in intense feelings of dissatisfaction.
The real treasures of this time, however, come when we are ready to be completely honest with ourselves and listen to feelings in our heart. It is our task to connect our most fragile Self with the liberation to express it, until we discover our ability to create miracles right here, on Earth. With such an intense contact, we won’t be able to avoid questioning our values, our relationships and our overall state of balance. It is our inner states that will change the most, as we start to embrace our authentic and natural needs, however strange or unacceptable they might seem. The good thing is – we will all go through similar inner changes and slowly, the world will seem more open for our truths and ideals, as time goes by.
Innovative and aggressive in its ways, Uranus will come to remind us of the deepest needs we carry within and won’t let us settle for anything less than what we deserve. It will throw us from one shore to the other until we find the right ideal to float on. The wonder of this time is in its simplicity and magnificent power of creation, for there seems to be no dream that won’t find its way into the real world if we only let go to it and build our lives around our purest ideals.