When The Sun Gets Dark

The eclipse of the Sun in Leo just happened today. This is an interesting place for this phenomenon to take place, as this is the sign ruled by the Sun itself. Many of us felt its influence in the strangest of ways, our stomachs turning, our breath becoming short, and our digestive system getting messed up. Relationships took a strange turn, mostly for the better since Uranus formed an exact trine with the conjunction of the Moon and the Sun.
How Do We Approach It?
Let the surprise of this moment sink in, be active and stay on the move. Mercury is retrograde and blurring our thoughts for a reason. The fact that the Sun got lost there won’t help our rationality or common sense emerge either. Emotions will prevail and the call of the heart gets too important to be ignored. A new love will start at a time like this, but it might be deprived of joy and fun in the long run. Still, the connection of hearts is what is really important today so keep this in mind if you make new decisions and meet new people along the way.
If you have been good to yourself and made your life satisfying and childishly fun, there is nothing to fear at such a time. New social contacts will color your world and possible soulmates arise from the darkest of times. This is a moment to get in touch with your Soul and turn off ego and the image of power that might have dragged you far from your inner need. As status gets destroyed, images fall, and kings turn to dust or fade away, Divine Love becomes obvious to everybody and lifts us all one step higher on our path to evolution.
Closeness Will Heal
If you feel lost and like everything in your life is falling to pieces, give yourself a chance to feel sad, cry, and spend time at your home, with family members and those who make you feel close and intimate. The disappointment of battles lost will be easier to overcome if you find the gratitude for what you already have and things you’ve built along the way. Think about your roots, your feelings and your heart, leaving bravery and new conquests for some other time. Relying on your senses, you will find that there are people you feel close to, and need to connect to them on an even deeper level.
The Message
Communicate but don’t take things too personally. No other person will talk from their state of full awareness and this shouldn’t damage your will or your ego. You have the power to act, do, and be victorious, but only if you are on the path of your heart and summoned by the mission in life you were always meant to follow. If not, well then you have come to the right place when choosing planet Earth, for it just gave you a chance to recognize what you need to do to be happy and free of your ego and your untrue sense of guidance. Grow up, pass your ancestors in the long run, and be proud of yourself with all the beauty that shines from within even if it isn’t obvious to many.