Where Do We Find Love?
The fiery, passionate and proactive spirit of Venus in Aries will be strongly intensified as it forms a conjunction with Uranus today. Being the ruler of all oppositions, excitement, stress, our nervous system and our outer body experiences, Uranus speaks of something unusual that will shock our system and our emotional world. No person is immune to its influences, even though some might rely on its predecessor, responsible, slow, and accepting Saturn that just gave a deep foundation for our love life yesterday.
We might say that people who decided to get married today, did so only to get out of their current steam of life. Some might succeed in their chase for freedom, ending up in a strange world of Unity they wish to build, while others seem to have made the plunge just to get a divorce in the long run. Relationships will intensify, manifest as lightnings and fireworks, or break apart. You will become aware of your own inner stability and balance once you observe your relationships with clarity and focus on the Self.
Live in the Moment!
To embrace full power of Uranus and the sign of Aries, our feminine Venus has a task to let go of all anger and its own passive existence. It should push us in any direction that sparkles with beauty, guide the way, take over, make us dance, as if music was too loud to ignore it. Use the inspiration of this moment and do something you have never done before, with your partner or on your own. Create, move, and then move some more. Everyone has an opportunity to make a step upwards today, and while it might be too soon to break free from relationships that burden you, you can still set free from your own limitations and feelings of incompetence, lack of personal value, or a simple lack of fun. Play your favorite song and dance, and then choose to play the next one just to set your voice free too.
When Astrologers speak of Venus, they mostly mention it as the highest form of love we feel FOR another human being and love we get FROM another human being. Unfortunately, our focus on the outer world and those who love us, separates us from our own beauty more often than not. Venus manifests through our bonds, that is true, but it is a breath of Divine Love we feel for ourselves, and others show up in our lives just to mirror that.
Where is the Love?
Those of us who have embarked on a spiritual travel of any kind know that one of the favorite teachings states that “the love we seek can be found within”. But where? The philosophy spoken through such statements can truly provoke someone with damaged Venus. For this is a person who has trouble in every segment of life, that cannot find a sense of personal value at work, in intimate relationships, or their daily routine. Damaged Venus means frustration in beauty, touch, satisfying of the senses, and when quenched by Saturn or any maleficent force, it takes away the magic and emotion from food, clothes, makeup, money, and our sex life.
Instead of speaking about these issues in a philosophical tone, take one step back, breathe in, and realize that if you feel annoyed reading it, you are probably ready to stop reading about love and need to go out to live your life. Eat what you wish to eat, go for a long walk, break a limit or two even if you are tired, and have time to enjoy yourself.
Love for Self must be felt, and the best way to feel it is through senses and loving experiences, satisfaction of the body, and living in this specific moment. Forget the past, stop obsessing about the future, and go dancing. Eat a cake and walk it out. Work with dedication but play when you’re done. Spend time with children and those who make you laugh, and wear a smile wherever you go.
Balance Between Love and Love
Venus is all about balance and its extremes make us believe that “bad experiences” lead to good ones and vice versa. The truth is, we may create balance every day in our routine, and it will instantly project on the rest of our life, without pain included in the equation. One enjoyable activity can be followed by its “opposing” enjoyable activity instead of dark, evil, bad circumstance, and we don’t have to approach things as good and evil, or happy and sad.
A piece of cake is lovely just as much as walk by the river, and an hour with a child laughing can be as satisfying as its “opposing” time for solitude. The key is to find beauty in all things we do, and enjoy every single moment of your existence. Without this euphoria, we cannot say that we are in love with ourselves, making us incompetent for true love with anyone else. In the absence of beauty and satisfaction, the conjunction of Venus with Uranus becomes a stressful pool of expectations that aren’t met, and dark energy that puts pressure on your Soul until one breaks and sets free from chains of dependency – not love.