Weekly Aries Horoscope

aries Horoscope For
Monday, Dec 9 2024 -

You can see the flow of the situation and the ease that certain contacts bring into your world, but you Dont want to get flooded with emotions that aren't really there. Keep the distance until you feel safe to engage and check all the facts, all pieces of information that lead towards a certain story. You need your life clarified and your emotions in order as well.

Some deeply rooted and past issues are finally behind you. The lessons have been learned. Still, you will need some time to process all the information that you've gathered in the process. Try not to fight for control over circumstances that truly require your rewards for all the hard work you've put in.

This weeks affirmation: I am safe.

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Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.