Yearly Capricorn Horoscope for 2020

2020 Capricorn Horoscope

Spirit: Power, Truthful, Return, Relationship.
Color: White.
Places to visit: Norway, Morocco, Greenland.
Things to learn: Bioenergetic Healing, Gardening, Clay Modelling.

The General Feel

Year 2020 begins with the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, putting deep and important tasks on the Sun of those born in this sign. There will be no easy way out, but the fulfillment of reaching a goal will have the power to make drastic changes to any difficult circumstances. This is a time to realize that you can make any change, overcome any obstacle, and magically transform into anything that is needed to make progress in the real world and affect any area of life. There are no limitations with such an intense setting, even though obstacles could be many. Circumstances could test and eat up your intentions if they don’t come from the heart.

The tension will wear off, but ups and downs are about to color your world for months. Up until the summer, everything will move in one direction only to surprise you and turn when you least expect it to. Still, the deep belief in the puzzle of the Universe is about to make the equation easy to follow, and you will know exactly what needs to ne done in order to get out of any trouble in your path. The vision is about to set its root and clarity will be found, specifically around issues that have been hazy and taking away your sense of purpose. Expand, learn and travel, using the most that Jupiter in your sign has to offer. Ideals will be brought to life when your focus is set without a doubt in your mind.

The Greatest Challenges

Resistance to change could become torture over the course of 2020, as this is the year when flexibility is the most required asset of Capricorn representatives. Keep on moving, no matter what happens, and try not to put your head through a wall while holding on to rigid or fatalistic convictions that take some of your sensitive goals down the drain. Keep in mind that it is your most important task to make yourself happy and joyful, so the chase for status or any outer, material form of accomplishment can be reached with flexibility and ease. Care for your emotions first and the real world will succumb to the flow as you follow your authentic emotional need.

The Greatest Rewards

With powerful grounding there to be used, this is an excellent time to build a new structure on remnants of the past. With Jupiter in your sign, you should use opportunities that are realistic even when they don’t seem to be, and open doors to new ventures and lifestyles that might make you happier than the comfort zone that you’ve been holding on to. This is a wonderful time to travel, learn, and give something to those in need. Fill your heart with the love of giving just for your own pleasure and enjoy your acts of kindness, spending enough time alone to remember yourself as loving as you are.

Physiology and Body

The physical reality of any issue will be felt within the body and this year you should pay special attention to its signals and the core of physiology that sends the most important messages of all. Try to reach the emotional background behind any painful issue or health problem. Chronic conditions will show the path of resistance, one that allows personal space and boundaries, and you should pay special attention to such matters. It would be highly advised to meditate, relaxing all possible spasms that reach your awareness.. Test your blood and hormones, keeping the invisible parts to your water flow in check, and avoid salty food to set free from excess fluids.

Love and Family

Just when you think you are done with certain emotional troubles and relationships that wore you down, you’ll see them coming back to be resolved, all over again. The breeze of summer won’t be breezy at all if you don’t deal with ties and tails that hold you back instead of being the wind in your sails towards personal freedom. Symbiotic relationships won’t prove fruitful or lasting at this time, but they could spiral you back in even though they take away your energy and make you feel bad. Give yourself the satisfaction and love you deserve, fully responsible for your own happiness and realizing that any other grownup has the same responsibility to carry.

If you are taken and have a family of your own, the support given and received in your home will define the strength of your action in the professional world and set a foundation for everything else in your life. To resolve troubles in their core, you will have to turn to the intimate world and see it clearly, understanding that there are middle grounds to be found where you’ve made unhealthy compromises.

Work and Finances

A solid year is ahead of you, one that will bring progress to things with deeper meaning for your inner world and make your professional surroundings satisfying and creative at any cost. Avoid loans and risky endeavors that aren’t in tune with your stable, grounded judgment. Instead of turning to those for assistance, think about a new way to get employed, change your workplace and your routine, and have a freelance activity here and there to allow you to make some money on the side. Don’t spend your black fund on a whim, but also see that it is of outmost importance not to hold on to daily and routine solutions that don’t make you happy.

Capricorn Information

Additional Information

Capricorn - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Capricorn Horoscopes - daily, weekly and monthly Capricorn horoscopes..

Capricorn man - information and insights on the Capricorn man.

Capricorn woman - information and insights on the Capricorn woman.

Capricorn compatibility - the compatibility of Capricorn with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Capricorn history - the history of Capricorn and the stories behind it.

Capricorn symbol - images and interpretations of the Capricorn symbol and ruler.