Monthly Gemini Health Horoscope

gemini Horoscope For
Sunday, Sep 1 2024 -

For the most part of this month, Mercury is in retrograde motion in Virgo, your fourth house, pushing you to go back to certain family dilemmas, conflicts or emotions that you haven't been dealing with by now. You will need time for yourself and solitude to seek balance, so you can turn your focus from the outer world to your inner one and see what you truly value most, and what needs to change in your surroundings.

Betrayal came through words, lost contracts and papers, and through things broken where you didnt expect them to break. Dont try too hard to salvage what has already been tossed in the trash, so it can take up all the energy you can use for other issues that sum up in something you always wanted anyway.

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Gemini Symbol - images and interpretations of the Gemini symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.