Monthly Taurus Horoscope
With some of your signs representatives leaving the sign of their fall in the following weeks, you will find yourself better connected to social circles you belong to. Friendships could show you the way, with new insights coming from unexpected people and a fresh chapter of life unfolding right in front of you, as if you summoned it by magic.
Radical changes that are necessary get their glow and you know what you seek, where Heaven on Earth is, and exactly what you need to do so you can heal. Some deep wounds and traumas might require some form of therapy, especially with planets finally starting it's retrograde spree. Open doors for information that will support your inner world and always choose gentle and loving approaches over those that are too rough on your physiology. It is up to you to think about your wellbeing and an approach to self-care that will help you heal.
By: Our Astrologers