Queen of Coins Tarot Card

Queen of Coins Meaning
Queen of Coins is a fine link between Water and Earth, a point of Moon's exaltation in the sign of Taurus, and in its purest form – the essence of physical satisfaction. She connects our emotional world with reality, protective yet kind and compassionate for all our struggles. Her understanding of resources and the way they should be shared and directed is uncanny and there is no other card better suited for the role of a banker and investor. Unlike her coworkers and other people focused on finances, she won’t exclude the emotional approach to the material world, nor emotions in any form. She is the motherly creation, the loving contact with the child that came out of our womb, seeing the fact that the purest creation comes through the sense of touch as the only reality where we can fulfill our purpose in life. She teaches us that the key to materialization of any idea is found in the feel that we’re already there, already won and already reached our goal.
Manifestation of physical love comes with the Queen of Coins and she is the symbol of touch, emotional contact that is pure and connected with sexuality in a creative and loving way. It comes when we are to love our body and feel loved no matter if there is a partner in our life, as the laws of attraction are on our side. She may represent a woman to serve as a mediator for a couple or even a matchmaking agency. Whatever the case, she makes things happen and announces physical contacts, kisses, dancing, and the start of a family life for those who are already involved. In some cases, it speaks of pregnancy and new life about to start.
Caring and understanding for others, she sees teamwork as the essential part of the professional progress. This card shows our understanding for the flow of finances and our ability to assess our resources well and do the best thing to keep ourselves safe while also enjoying what we have with gratitude and love. It is the creative side of work where we are inspired, working for a good cause, and in cozy relationships with those around us. It may speak of work from home or a family company we are about to start or join.
All health related issues get resolved with motherly care of the Queen of Wands. Her deep understanding of the way our emotions influence our reality always takes us in the right direction, into the right hands and where solutions to our problems are found. She may not be as passionate and quick as we would like her to be, but results come in a slow and steady pace. Our routine poses as the largest chunk of our ability to make a satisfying existence and keep our body safe. She is all about massages, spas, time spent in nature and with children, where our energy will rise and our health spontaneously improve. It is time to commit to our own wellbeing in a gentle, feminine ways, as pure pleasure and hedonism bring true benefits to our physiology right now.
Queen of Coins Reversed
When the Queen of Coins is reversed, our desire for material gain usually drowns our emotional world and one lacks gratitude for all those things they already have. Joy is missing out of life and love for Self needs to be reestablished so we can move on towards satisfying goals and opportunities. This is a poor position for investments, even if they seem to be a good bet in the long run, for we need to work on our ability to be thankful before spending our resources of something that won’t make us happy in the end. Creativity will give results only if it comes from the heart and the core of our talents.
Queen of Coins Time Line
Past - With this lady in our past, we can see our nurturing mother when we were children, and all those situations when we felt supported and cared for. It is the safety of our previous home and a memory we all wish to keep. Here, she sets a foundation for anything we wish to create today, as we already understand what needs to be felt so the world can give us what we desire. She reminds us of knowledge we already carry in our heart.
Present - In the present, the Queen of Coins comes to pose for our ability to make things colorful and enjoyable, but in a mature and caring way. She comes to show our understanding for the physical world and reminds us that we aren’t lazy just because we wish to enjoy life, but truly creative and in touch with our own authentic nature. She is here to scatter away self-doubt, as it is our priority to make ourselves happy, protect our world from opinions, atmospheres and beliefs of other people, so we can leave a better place for our children to enjoy.
Future - As we approach this card in our future, it becomes clear that our goals aren’t strictly material or a matter of status and ego, but our chase for personal satisfaction is to over. She is a lesson learned, one that keeps us founded and materially supported at all times. It is the provider and a figure of support we will meet along the way, as well as our own ability to assess resources and approach them in a way for the most joy of life to be felt from anything we have.