How To Deal With 2020

With an ongoing pandemic, new boundaries, fences and distances, even those who were lucky to get numerous circumstances in order don’t find it easy to cope with emotional hum in the background. The first thing to keep in mind is that during the course of 2020, Saturn holds its high dignity in Capricorn and gives solid and healthy structure to all matters at hand. What creates actual emotional trouble is fallen Jupiter that joins it in the sign of Moon’s exile, where emotions are bottled up and truths hard to see. Purpose may feel lost and lies come to surface, one by one. The only way to deal with this matter is to hold on to our skeleton, to the structure, the system, and what is healthy in our routine. There is a higher order that we cannot outrun.
Retrograde Finish Line
As the final punch in times of fallen Sun and the beginning of autumn, Mars turned backwards in our already hectic mundane chart, making squares to planets in Capricorn along with Pluto, pushing unconscious, circumstantial, and ancestor issues into focus. Fears are awakened with purpose already seemingly lost, and we have no option any longer but to look within. Where we relied too much on another, bonds will break, and no relationship with boundaries crossed will last much longer. Times to wallow are upon us, but also times to set free from everything that is old, that isn’t solely ours and authentic. Oh, and if only Venus wasn’t fallen as well, and Mercury on its regular background, backwards spree…
So, Mercury is telling us to look back one last time, to fix what is broken on a practical plane, make things prettier and deal with our dissatisfaction, that of Venus that makes too many sacrifices in Virgo, critical and comparing our authentic core with the rest of humankind. No one is immune to this current setting but we have enough support through trines of Venus and a constant and steady sextile of Neptune in Pisces, where true beliefs and talents can only guide us out of past messes and stuck energies that are screaming to be let go of. You must end approaches and heal beliefs that stand in your way, hold you back, and keep you tied to matters that are already gone. Losses must be counted in order for life to move on and why not choose life instead of holding a grudge, holding a sorrow, holding a pattern, that weighs you down? Although this is easier said than done, there is no point in resisting the natural cycle of life where things must end in order for new ones to begin.
The Only Real Lesson
If Saturn is our only constant positive entity through the course of this year, the only thing we can really do for ourselves is to be patient and get enough rest. Return to your own matters from the past, return to relationships and feelings that haven’t been resolved, return home, return to fix things that need fixing, regenerate energies that got stuck and tied. Return to people and places, love stories that have never really died, and do so proudly with your moral imperatives higher than Jupiter gives way at the moment. There is a truth higher than that of shared and systematic convictions of right and wrong. Instead of any religion, chose faith, untouched, idealistic, and childish.
Also, don’t forget that you can do something of immense value for everyone else – be truthful. Although not everything needs to be shared and healthy boundaries should be respected, you have the power to give others your truth and your actual feelings that have been bottled up. This requires giving yourself permission to feel the way you do, to choose what you have chosen in secret, and to forgive You for being who you truly are. Freedom is imperative and even if you don’t choose it now, Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will choose it for you in the course of 2021. Communication should really come down to vulnerability in order for everyone’s vision and beliefs to show. As hurtful as this may be in an interaction, it makes room for healthy decisions that will distance you from people who no longer belong in your life or those who don’t really see you, but instead chase after their own projections.
Soon enough, this mundane situation will end, even though it may seem never ending from this point of view. Being tired is a natural part of the collective process and the more we rest, the higher the overall consciousness will be. Heal your body, meditate, relax your muscles and your chest, commit to a routine that allows spasms to wear off and anxiousness to dial down, walk, and work on matters you love. Perhaps this is the only approach that should be implemented straight away, and perhaps all other issues in life can wait until December.