Daily Sagittarius Money Horoscope

sagittarius Horoscope For
Monday, Dec 9 2024 -

You can expect consequences from a conflict or situations that created tension in your inner world lately. Leave time for rest, contemplation, and moments with actual joy so you don't give in to the pressure that has been rising over the past couple of weeks. Some choices are better left for the next chapter, not this one.

This is a week when procrastination easily takes over, but Venus in your fifth house keeps you creative and passionate enough to enjoy certain moments regardless of productivity. Give time, but remain organized around truly important matters.

This weeks affirmation: I am delighted.

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Sagittarius Man - information and insights on the Sagittarius man.

Sagittarius Woman - information and insights on the Sagittarius woman.

Sagittarius Compatibility - the compatibility of Sagittarius with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Sagittarius History - the history of Sagittarius and the stories behind it.

Sagittarius Symbol - images and interpretations of the Sagittarius symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.