Articles By Anel Sullivan
Astrology Codes for a Job Change
Discover how Astrology helps you find the right codes for your professional life, and see if your time for a job change is here.
Colors of the Zodiac
To summon the vibration of a planet in your natal chart, giving it the support needed for it to show its qualities, learn about colors that fit each entity of the zodiac.
Healing Crystals and Your Sun Sign
With the Sun set in a certain sign of the zodiac, we have specific challenges that can be eased or completely healed with natures gifts, such as semi-precious and precious stones.
Let's Clear Things Up About Ophiuchus The 13th Zodiac Sign or is It?
The Mystery Of The 13th Zodiac Sign and clarification about your accurate zodiac sign's dates.
Marriage and Zodiac Signs
Your zodiac sign can reveal whether you will easily find happiness in marriage. Married life doesn't suit everyone, and astrology can help you discover whether you're a traditionalist and devoted to your family or completely the opposite!
How to save a relationship according to astrology
Some things may be quite normal for one zodiac sign, but it can be totally unacceptable for the other sign. However, astrology is here to prevent you from making a mistake and help you to save your relationship!
How the Signs Deal with Depression
Each of us has his own ways of dealing with difficult situations and depression. Continue reading to find out how each zodiac signs deals with depression!