The Great Conjunction

Date: 2020-12-25
The Great Conjunction

It has only been several days, and the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the element of Air already sparked storms inside all of us, turned our minds and view on things upside down, reminding us of rational thoughts that we might have left behind giving room for ancestral debts. The world is swamped with both Astronomical and Astrological information around it, and it seems like science and pseudoscience started to intertwine, without anyone really attempting to bring them any closer. Big events start out as fireworks and what we learn at this time, may light our entire future in months and years to come.

Suddenly, we gain control and we become free, shedding layers one by one, to do what we wish to, take the wheel, live our lives the way we choose to, even if this means being deeply conflicted with anyone on our planet. Although Aquarius is in its essence humane and focused on equality of every individual, this is a time when its aggression and chaotic, riot supportive nature also come to light, provoked by all those who were not seen as equal when they should have been. Ego battles of the Sun’s detriment have been initiated within and there is no turning back. Those left behind and in the dark are not bound to stay depressed and cast away by those who disposed of them without any empathy, understanding or love. Responsibility is to be properly shared, but in new ways, and this has little to do with old laws and routines outdated. This is the Universe about to announce a higher order, one that has no ties, no tradition, and no value found in opinions that little ego cherishes.

Great Mutation and Great Exemption 

The web is buzzing with information of the Great Mutation, the meeting of our gas giants in the element of Air for the first time and starting a 200-years cycle of those airy encounters. But if we are astrologically correct – this is NOT their first meeting in the element of Air as they had one in 1981 that stands out from the general rule. Although a new cycle begins and is as dramatic as it gets on the zeroth degree, after a big meetup with Pluto in Capricorn with 2020 speaking for itself, we should see this exemption as a special calling for times waiting ahead. 

People born with this conjunction in the1980s just received their invitation to change the world, for their time has come. What they have been feeling in the social context their entire lives, now has a chance to be liberated through creative effort and connections that are smart, fast, enriching and free. You have an announcement from your big friends, communists, anarchists, leaders without personal agenda. Those who have little to gain from any social construct but the one that serves us all. It is an honor to have been born as this exemption and the outer context is finally giving the right and the privilege to those who thought they had lost light along the way to now realize that they can create sparks of it anywhere they go, in groups, for higher callings, ideals, dreams of all sorts, through music, creativity, technology, and the overall rise of collective consciousness. These generations will invest most in their special children bound to grow in this new cycle. It is a personal impact on the collective that stands for much more than any of our usual personal events and planetary alignments.

Personal Impact

It is important to understand where we put our anger and invest our primal energy. This is the right time to make five steps upwards, rise on the escalator to new heights, but only if we work to build ourselves on realistic grounds, rather than trying to prove ourselves to anyone else. Comparisons won’t do, and neither will battle over authority or respect with those who don’t see the depth of ways of another. This is a time to give up on all superficial views, dogma, holding on to the old, while remaining on the safe foundation of where each of us is today. Give respect and seek nothing but respect in return, but instead of jumping to conflict, this time choose to set free, move on, shake off the struggle, and find a better contact, group, friend, or partner to be with. Life is rich with potential and all you need right now is to regain speed, separate and observe, while staying grounded and realistic enough. Keep moving. As we already know, grounding is in direct connection with the body and the way our habits affect it.

Respect is Quick

The time of self-love required by Capricorn and its dismissal of the Moon, just turned into time for self-respect in the sign where the Sun has trouble expressing freely. Everything individual must find its place in the collective and the collective must accept it, without exception. This is a tricky field for those who are having a hard time accepting their own importance, and all matters of victim-aggressor relationships could be pushed too far. The actual power of the victim is to be seen, as well as the personal responsibility of those who think something belongs to them, taking it for granted, because they have been victimized. Resentment must find its place, anger must find focus, and everyone suffering for no reason will start waking up. On the other hand, aggressors will find their ways obsolete, fall on their face, pushed to obey new structures and rules, changing places and being seen in the same position they have created for another. The two become One on a wide plane of higher beliefs. Those who do wrong are always the ones who were wronged. 

The real challenge is to find the right distance, not get entangled in ego battles, stand firm and fight for the position that feels healthy without a grudge to be left in your body. Respect is felt in the belly, in an instant. It is not something to discuss, ask for, or impose in any way. When speaking of the Aquarian way and in an ideal case, the exaltation of Neptune here tells us to listen to the feel, the atmosphere we are in, and give our stomach room to express its troubles, thus making room for us to step away, go elsewhere, and let those who share disrespect do so on their own terms and in their own surroundings. On our quest for the ideal society, we must start from the individual, one stomach at a time. 

Mundane Manifestations

Apart from an obvious growth in matters of technology and internet, this is basically a leap in terms of energy, both personal and collective. New ways will find grounding, what interferes with support of Nature for humankind will begin its decline, and ecological awareness should finally start rising towards its peak. We can expect improved and inventive uses of sunlight. Aquarius is the ideal conductor of pure energy in any form and with Saturn set there, we are speaking about practical use of gold and new materials that make the transfer of energy faster. Details, parts and pieces of functional, complicated wholes, as well as all bodies, are strained to their full potential, making our physique vulnerable. In the next two centuries we can expect someone to leave the Earth, head for Mars, the humankind thinking about alternative stations to live on outside of Earth. In closer future, new records will be set at the Olympics and limitations of the physical world we know of will be overcome, with the touch of madness and followed by teamwork, social support, and widening the term of family as we know it. Emotions find their place in the world of rational thought. The two become One. 

Finances and economy are at the greatest impact of this conjunction, with Uranus (the disposition of Jupiter and Saturn) in Taurus, fallen. We start off a two-century cycle with a mundane economical breakdown, seemingly without any rule or structure to hold on to in times of the pandemic. Jobs are lost and some profit is made on unhealthy and dishonest foundations. The entire concept of money is shaken to its core, bringing oppositions closer but also tearing those with conflicted beliefs even further apart. The damaged are now angrier, those who use them are greedier, and it becomes obvious that the entire structure and the system of taxes must change in their core. In decades to come, wallets may lose function altogether as value reforms through drastic changes. 

In terms of movement and transportation, by the end of the cycle, everyone will probably have their own airplane to fly around town or fly across the ocean. Speaking of soon, borders are about to start opening and this general lockdown is an excellent invocation of the collective need, the manifestation of fear and the lack of personal responsibility within the collective. It initiates change in concept, governments and systems that are bound to believe in people (the Moon) in order for authorities to be respected (the Sun). Faith in the system is questioned freely, by every individual from a distance, and connected through the collective in ways that are no longer limited by physical presence or the sense of touch. It is a calling for all borders to be reestablished and in time lost, as they lose their protective function. With fear about to rise and fall, into extremes (do not forget that the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, ate his own children in myth), facing it, liberating ourselves, breaking the rules to establish new ones, those brave individuals who shine a light where the Sun is lost will lead the way towards truer connections. Dishonesties buried in the ending of the past cycle, with Jupiter in Capricorn, will haunt those who used that shovel. The ideal of truth burns bright, distant as fireworks but never again unseen. 

Communication Anew

All Air signs are primarily verbal, intellectual, socially connective. As such, they are a social expression of our fathers or in other words – God. Call it Universe, Higher Force, Energy, or any other word that fits your belief system, as it is universal in an Aquarian context. This may lead to fights, rebellions or wars on religious foundations, where egos are too inflexible for people to see the truth that connects us all. As the language of gods (third sign from Sagittarius), this is our channel and our connection to universal consciousness. The process of spiritual awakening will be quick, stale energies will no longer be tolerated, and on our fast tracks we must not lose sight of the depth of contact required to make firm claims or help other people. 

Quick self-help literature and ways to rush over issues, straight toward practical solutions come to blossom through coaching, new social platforms and online, quick-to-pay interactions. It is extremely important that they don’t throw a shade on knowledge, years of education, and in-depth analysis. On the other hand, knowledge and depth should not throw away practicality and quick solutions that make life easier in daily matters and routines. Aquarius finds its purpose in Libra, its ninth house, and dreams of a balanced path. This is an age when everyone can help everyone, but each person needs to listen without interpretations that go away from actual contact. Growth is speedy and supported by what is superficial as soon as there is enough depth in our approach to Self. Some will have a lot of trouble finding themselves in the process, others cannot wait to finally shine. 

Humane ways are emphasized and with them matters of hunger in Africa, racism, gender inequality, species extinction, hunting, eating meat, relationships with the animal world, etc. Many will get carried away into preaching through judgment of other people’s ways that they have little in-depth knowledge of. Those who always stood out and those who stand out in riots today, opposed to what is unhealthy or unjust, will begin to see open wounds of those doing unhealthy deeds. Empathy rises (slowly and with sacrifice) along with all those things that we might be afraid of. A new order will be established. The destination at the end of this process is bits and pieces of the world turned upside-down – healing instead of resisting, love instead of anger, and compassion instead of fear. 

Give motion to everything you have learned about love for self and another, in equality. Initiate projects into a world filled with freeing childlike creativity. The Universe excludes no one.

We wish you lovely holidays and a very happy Mutation!

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