Your Inspiration!

How to Deal With 2020
With current flow of collective energies, easy things in life become difficult and burdened with emotions and trauma responses that we tried to leave behind.

Feeling Tired
Pressures of Saturn and Capricorn are only limiting when we are living realities of others, tied to ancestral lines that separate us from our authentic core.

Expanding Horizons
Faith in ourselves is challenged with Jupiter still in Capricorn, but this is only a lesson of the real world that we are to embrace so we can let go and move.

Constellation Corona Borealis
Constellation Corona Borealis is the crown of the sky, representing holy unity of feminine and masculine energies that together strive for the Divine.

Astrology Behind the Pandemic
Giving time for our physical world to heal and regenerate, this pandemic of coronavirus seems to be a red flag, a disaster and a blessing at the same time.

Feminine Matters
There is order to feminine archetypes that is well seen in the essence of Lilith and her relationship with Eve, as primal troubling feminine conflict.

Lessons of the Animal World
Our connection to Mother Nature is seen in its living and breathing form through our contact with the animal world and different inhabitants of the Earth.

Mars as Your Ascendant Ruler
When Mars represents you, depending on its dignity and aspects, the story of physiology and body is emphasized and to be deciphered in this lifetime.

Choose Your Lines
It is of immense value to understand the practical side and offerings of Astrology as we choose our next home and decide on ways to organize and decorate it.

Responsible for Self
Thorough and deep stellium in Capricorn that took place just as another eclipse darkened our path was rough, but really reminded us of our love for Self.