Your Inspiration!

Obesity, Friend or Foe

Obesity, Friend or Foe

The sense of protection found in our relationship with food affects us on numerous levels, and Venus and Jupiter will protect us from pain in any way possible.

Strength of Mars in Cancer

Strength of Mars in Cancer

In the eyes of current positioning of Mars in Cancer, we are to see how the energy can be brought to life and transformed into its most potent state.

Touch of Nature

Touch of Nature

Our contact with Nature is an important thing to commit to in this lifetime, as it gives room to the structure of our physical existence to be set in place.

Is Silence Always Golden?

Is Silence Always Golden?

The essence of Mercury is to think and to speak, so why is “silence golden” and what can we do to affect challenges of our little trickster?

Challenges for Our Healthy Routine

Challenges for Our Healthy Routine

A healthy mind is in a healthy body, but we often take our physical existence for granted using the “easy way out” and disconnecting from our roots.

The Process of Learning

The Process of Learning

Each relationship in our life has its purpose, be our contact good or bad, supportive or burdening, for it shows us what we are bound to learn about Self.

God Complex

God Complex

Healthy personal boundaries come with healthy ego and we can see each individual’s struggle through the primal touch of the Sun with Saturn.

Astrology, the Bridge

Astrology, the Bridge

Astrology stands tall as the bridge between science and faith, connecting us with the metaphysical while relying on centuries of science in its history.

Freedom Turned Upside-Down

Freedom Turned Upside-Down

True calling of Uranus always turns out to be simple and childlike, although we expect circumstantial change to move us towards more “grownup” choices in life.

What will Venus Bring?

What will Venus Bring?

Hopes will rise with Venus in Pisces, and we are to remember where our ties are, to set free and live the ideal love that we wish be inspired by.

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