October 19th Zodiac
Date: October 19th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Color: Pomp and Power
In One Word: Mystery
Shape: Wave
Strength: Talented
Weakness: Distant
Most Compatible With: Sagittarius
October 19th is a date filled with dreamy ideals and emotion, but also a time when everything is deep and in need of special clarification. Nothing seems to be simple on this date, except for pure emotions that connect us to the Divine. Faith plays a large part of lives of those born at this time, and they are to find their sensitive beliefs within, often apart from any religion and system that guides them towards a shared cause. Their faith in themselves is what defines their ability to produce their ideals in the real world.
October 19th Horoscope
The row of those born on the 19th of October carries a glimpse of special talents, and we can see that their path in life is predestined in a way, by gifts they were brought into this world with. They are in a way blessed by the time they were born in, while at the same time tied to experiences from the past that need to be cleansed and karmic debts that could interfere with their physiology and their mental state. They need clarity, a lot of breathing, and to let their emotions flow instead of being "too strong to care". It is their task to discover the real strength found in sensitivity, so they can use their talents and easily move with the flow of life. Empathic and tender, they are the ones to metabolize other people's emotions when they should be dealing with their own. Emotional boundaries are the first prerequisite for healthy bonds in their life, as they are to believe in other people's power to handle their own emotional challenges too.
Spontaneity might be a bit damaged with their second planetary row presenting the main Libra battle with authorities and the discovery of Self. Their ego should be nurtured until they rise to a confident state of creativity, so their encounters with others don’t take away their power of will or disturb anyone else's energetic balance.
Love and Emotions
Their dual nature could be extremely flexible and in tune with their partner's when they allow themselves to flow with emotions, as they come. However, in many cases, they give in to inadequate actions and choices, out of guilt or fear, and their actions seem confusing to those they wish to be with or those they are already involved with. Something is hazy in their world and others won’t see them as clearly as they think possible, at least not until they are fully emotionally connected and ready to stand their ground to keep their sensitive personality safe in close contact.
They need a lot of tenderness and intimacy and won’t do well in relationships with aggressive people, even when their intentions are obviously good. It is important that they remain honest, so they don’t get entangled in parallel or shady love stories that don’t bring truly deep satisfaction to anyone involved.
The Moon is set as the destination they move towards, showing their actual sensitivity and the need to connect in intimate and pure relationships with others. The debt of their ancestors needs some special work, and as their heart cleanses, they will be more open for interactions that make them happy. The state of joy and internal bliss is what they seek, and peace will be found once they set free from baggage that isn’t their own and grab responsibility they have over their own initiative and intentions towards Self.
What They Excel In
A person born on October 19th always has a special talent that takes them to special creative heights, even though they aren’t always in touch with it from an early age. They make great actors and artists, interior designers and real estate agents, as well as all those who make special decorations and draw on glasses, plates, and daily used utensils, wardrobe and items for one's home.
October 19th Birthday Gift
The choice of birthday gift for someone born on October 19th is something scented but not too sweet, new sheets or a pillow for their special dreamland. They will enjoy incense sticks and candles, as well as all artistic pieces that are in touch with their sensitive side, and phantasy novels of all sorts. They want their imagination sparked and like translucent trinkets and mirrors, wardrobe made of lace, small and shiny decorative items, summer reminders, and snow balls from across the globe.
Positive Traits for October 19th Born
Idealistic, brave to follow their dreams and inspirational to those around them, they are sensitive, empathic and prone to close contact with those who need help and support through difficult stages of life.
Negative Traits for October 19th Born
Unable to rationalize and protect themselves from things they don’t see, they could get lost in influences and atmospheres from their surroundings, and need enough time spent in solitude, meditation, and asleep, to create flexible but thick boundaries to the outer world.
Healing Crystal
To boost all the beauty of their Neptune, people born on the 19th of October should use dream quartz crystals. They are known to aid lucid dreaming and stimulate prophetic dreams, as well as leading one on their ideal path through messages that the outer world sends. Deeply healing stones, their energy makes one feel more positive about life, turning their focus to the future instead of holding on to the past. Releasing fear from anything days ahead of them might bring, these stones bring a sense of peace with what is yet to come and enrich their world with faith needed to stay calm and in touch with disturbing emotions when they need to be freed and let go of.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on October 19th in every year:
These birds show two extremes of personality in those born on this date, one of them a predator capable of intense focus, and the other a symbol of peace and frailty of heart. The change between them is what needs special attention and work in their life, so that they each have their place in the world and their functional role among others. Extremely soft and at the same time strong and fierce, these individuals need to let these characteristics flow in tune with the atmosphere and the situations in the outer world.
Famous Birthdays on 19th of October
- In 1931 John le Carré (David John Moore Cornwell) was born, an English intelligence officer and author, known for his espionage novels. Following the success of his novel The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, he left the Secret Intelligence Service and became a full-time author.
- In 1966 Jon Favreau was born, an American actor, screenwriter and director, recognized for his rules in The Break-Up, Couples Retreat and Chef. He credits the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons with giving him a background in imagination, storytelling, and understanding how to create a tone and a sense of balance.
- In 1982 Gillian Jacobs was born, an American actress and director, who played the role of Britta Perry on the series Community and appeared in movies Hot Tub Time Machine and Don’t Think Twice. She is a teetotaler and made a choice of complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.
Important Historical Events on 19th of October
- 1789 – The first Chief Justice of the U. S. is sworn.
- 1812 – Napoleon (born on August 15th) begins his retreat from the city of Moscow, Russia.
- 1943 – The first antibiotic for tuberculosis is isolated.
- 1950 – Tibetan army is defeated by China at Chambo.
- 1960 – A near-total trade embargo is imposed against Cuba by the United States.
- 2005 – Saddam Hussein (born on April 28th) goes on trial for crimes against humanity in Baghdad.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.