December 20th Zodiac
Date: December 20th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Color: Dark Spring Green
In One Word: Anew
Shape: Crescent Turned Upwards
Strength: Regeneration
Weakness: Unforgiving
Most Compatible With: Libra
December 20th is an important date in a calendar, when our attention turns to changes we wish to make, new year's resolutions and all those things we haven’t done in time. This is a moment when connections are to be nurtured and cherished, but in ways that don’t tire one's heart out or keep us tied to events and feelings from the past. People born at this time have some important tasks in their life, to set free from ancestral baggage, get their emotions in order, cleanse from past issues and find forgiveness for themselves, and others, so they can feel childlike happiness every step of the way.
December 20th Horoscope
Things are never easy when Moon combines with the focus and intensity of Pluto, and a lot of grounding energy and care for one's body is needed in order for those born on December 20th to truly feel joyful and present in the world around them. Materialization of emotional needs is their priority and they are to change their approach to their own sensitivity, seeing it as their strength and acting on it to attract things they desire most. They are loving souls, deep in their search for connections of essence, and need their social circle responsive to their authentic needs. Judgment coming from others will bruise them deeply, and their emotional boundaries are to be set in place so they can freely express their true personality without holding back. Loss and depressing thoughts that get their emotions stuck could prevail at some point in their life, only to teach them how strong their heart and their character actually are to pull out of any hole they fall into.
Love and Emotions
Someone born on the 20th of December is loving, deeply emotional and sensitive, and needs to keep their heart in constant flow instead of closing it as troubles overwhelm their world. Due to extreme sensitivity and low skills to protect themselves from pain, they often end up feeling childish, naïve and burdened by too many things they cannot handle. This is when they stop interacting instead of simply slowing down with their real life choices until they are ready to move, clean of their baggage and open for new experiences and laughter.
When looking for the right partner, they need someone careful enough to keep their heart protected and recognize their wounds instead of demeaning them in any way. A person of their choosing should be in touch with their own pain, so that their sharing can move both ways and feel liberating and supported instead of facing too much judgment and new painful experiences. With their fine presence in sexuality and their ability to give their heart along with their body, they are to be with a true soulmate and until they find one, to simply stay free of any emotional ties.
Individuals born on December 20th find their purpose in symbolism of Mercury, self-expression, their way with honest and profound words, and ways to show their true emotional core. They are on the lookout for the right group to belong to, their own tribe, and need to move and share their experiences, jokes and conversations with enough people to find those most suitable for their authentic personality with its social needs.
What They Excel In
A person born on December 20th is a powerful healer, someone with a taste in alternative medicine and work with plants, shamanic energies and animal essences. They are deeply emotional and in search for the core of their own heart, this allowing them to regenerate and heal wounds of others. If they decide to follow a less abstract path in life, they may become bankers, real estate sellers, or detectives, surgeons and researchers.
December 20th Birthday Gift
The choice of birthday gift for someone born on December 20th is a truly special task, for they find joy in the simplest of things when they are in tune with their own emotional flow, but tend to close up and raise their bar high when they aren’t. You won’t make a mistake if you give them information about meditation and breathing techniques, enroll them in a deeply peaceful yoga course, or take them to past life regression, massage with crystals, warm stones, or special salts or simply buy a new colorful salt bath for them to use at home.
Positive Traits for December 20th Born
Sensitive, empathic and in tune with the river of emotion, they regenerate, heal and understand the cycle of life as is, in all its beauty and along with all challenges and feelings of loss.
Negative Traits for December 20th Born
Jealous, lost in other people's business and stuck in emotional issues they cannot find forgiveness for, their Soul may be burdened and become dark when they hold on to beliefs that aren’t in touch with the truth felt inside their heart.
Healing Crystal
Mt Hay Thundereggs are powerful crystals made by volcanic action, suitable for the personality of those born on December 20th. These are protection stones, aiding deep meditation and healing of the inner child, helping one reach the core of the emotional problem that burdens their Soul. They form a protective barrier around the body, keeping one safe from energies of others that might overwhelm their emotional world, reminding them of personal strength, their own energy core and the source of vitality they need to hold on to in order to heal.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 20th in two years preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 20th in a leap year and a year following it:
There is a huge gap between these two symbols, as if they are trying to point out similarities in the atmosphere but truly show the difference between urban and rural areas. The balance that needs to be found in lives of those born on this date is strongly connected to the Nature and time they spend in it. Working ethics and routines are a piece of the puzzle here, and we can see that the mixture of childlike decisions, chores and inadequacies is to turn into the useful bridge to cross between two shores of something new, fresh and beautiful.
Famous Birthdays on 20th of December
- In 1898 Irene Dunne was born, an American actress and singer, a five-time nominee for the Academy Award for Best actress in the 1930s and 1940s. The night before her father died, he told her that happiness is never an accident, but a prize we get when we choose wisely from life's great stores. She tried to live by these words ever since he died, when she was 11.
- In 1917 David Bohm was born, an American English physicist, philosopher and neuropsychologist, recognized for his contribution of unorthodox ideas to philosophy of mind and quantum theory. Although a scientist by vocation, he didn’t exclude the paranormal or metaphysical views on reality.
- In 1983 Jonah Hill was born, an American actor, comedian, director and screenwriter, known for his roles in Knocked Up, The Wolf of Wall Street, and others. In order to obtain more serious roles, he consulted with a trainer and nutritionist and lost a significant amount of weight.
Important Historical Events on 20th of December
- 1860 – The first time that a state, South Carolina, tries to secede from the U. S.
- 1917 – Founding of the first Soviet secret police force.
- 1924 – The release of Adolf Hitler (born on April 20th) from Landsberg Prison.
- 1946 – The release of the Christmas movie It's a Wonderful Life.
- 1951 – The first nuclear power plant produces electricity and powers four light bulbs.
- 1971 – Founding of Doctors Without Borders.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.