December 21st Zodiac

Date: December 21st
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Color: Apple Green
In One Word: Rounded
Shape: Circle
Strength: Inner Light
Weakness: Hiding from Darkness
Most Compatible With: Gemini

December 21st carries incredible relationship potential and we all have a chance to use our hearts to overcome ego issues at this time. Although this isn’t always as easy and flowing as we might imagine, this date is certainly an opportunity of a different perspective, a view based on our emotional world, and a time to cleanse our heart of negativity. Individuals born on this date are open-hearted and ready to interact even when relationships before them are demanding and difficult. Through their perspective changes they learn that very little that others do should be taken personally.

December 21st Horoscope


The circled energies of the Sun, cozy and resting within warm-hearted flows of emotion, make those born on December 21st open for interactions with others, friendly and warm. There is a sense of protection to their nature, one that allows others to feel safe in self-expression and personal matters they have trouble sharing with other people. Loving and caring, they are individuals ready to connect, but sometimes have too many battling and fiery energies that burn those who come closest, and burn their own hearts when they become truly intimate with another. Family patterns need to be light and visible so they can be set free and not stand in the way of pure connections they are meant to create in this lifetime due to fear or someone else's baggage.

Love and Emotions

When emotions of people born on December 21st spark up, they become fluent in so many ways and warm up to the idea of togetherness and a shared life with ease. However, they could have some trouble creating solid boundaries that keep them safe, while at the same time staying close enough to the other person, and realistically seeing their strengths and weaknesses over time. Just as any other Sagittarius, they tend to idealize those standing in front of them, seeing them as more similar or energetic than they actually are, and high expectations could cost them some health in relating to a loved one.

They need a partner who is not only energetically equal and creative as they are, but someone who is as emotionally deep and warm. With their desire to help those in need and give a hand of support to someone less fortunate, they could choose to be with individuals that aren’t on their emotional plane, inputting social and upbringing issues of another into the bigger picture instead of checking if their emotional needs are met. The sense of personal value is to be built and truly manifested through balanced bonds where the two are equal and respect each other unconditionally.


The goal in lives of those born on the 21st of December is to find the point of balance and healthy relationships with a partner and other people in general. They will spend the first part of their life being too close or too distant from hearts of others, and need to learn about safe and healthy boundaries that will allow interactions with essence and depth, while keeping them protected from influences that are invisible or unnecessary for their personal growth. In time, they find beauty and love in all things in their life, even in the darkest and most challenging of experiences they have encountered.

What They Excel In

Individuals born on the 21st of December are excellent lawyers and judges, those who have the right perspective to see both side to an issue. They may work in anger control courses and help those in need of psychological assistance. With their shadows accepted as their own, their people skills allow them to blossom in any area of expertise, and become loved by many doing the fiery creative work they were born to do. Their talents lie in artistic expression of sorts, and a career in acting and singing is a very good choice for them, especially when it brings them in touch with darker roles and music genres that allow them to balance out negative emotions with the way they attempt to feel most of the time.

December 21st Birthday Gift

The right birthday gift for someone born on December 21st is a lamp of any kind, a candle, anything that gives light and shines on the wall, terrace or the floor in their apartment. They will enjoy tickets for a good concert, something that inspires them to move and dance, and love romantic gestures much more than they might show while at a young age. Still, make sure you don’t get cheesy, for this might push them into strange moods and away to a distance they find natural when feeling like something is in any way dishonest.

Positive Traits for December 21st Born

Warm people with a big heart, able to comprehend and round up all issues of others along with their own, they create middle grounds and the point of unity where everyone is satisfied with the solution at hand.

Negative Traits for December 21st Born

Choosing to be around people who are way below their level of awareness or way above, seeing them as equal, they lose touch of their own real place in the world and engage in battles of ego they cannot comprehend until they deal with their shadows.

Healing Crystal

Pink spinel is a wonderful, tender stone that signifies calm and renewal and teaches those born on December 21st about patience for themselves, showing them their own capacity for love. It is a crystal known to return the energy to those who have lost it due to emotional issues from the past. It creates a solid connection to one's inner child, finding its place and its purpose in all things done by the individual without restrictions that typical collective limitations create.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 21st in two years preceding a leap year:

"A Fat Boy Mowing the Lawn on an Elegant Suburban Street"

The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 21st in a leap year and a year following it:

"The Pope Blessing the Faithful"

Things need to get done and a person born on this date is to commit and find the right direction to pursue, in order to get their blessings in the way they wish to. These lines show that looks and material wealth don’t mean much in the greater order of things, and this is very often a lesson that these individuals will learn in this lifetime. Their hidden knowledge is in such facts, the productive forces they understand and put in for the higher cause. For as long as they follow the calling of their heart, they will be protected from vain and discouraging influences of the outer world.

Famous Birthdays on 21st of December

  • In 1937 Jane Fonda was born, an American actress, writer and political activist, the recipient of two Academy Awards and numerous accolades for her achievements in acting. In the early 1980s, she released an exercise video, Jane Fonda's Workout, that became the highest-selling VHS of all time.
  • In 1940 Frank Zappa was born, an American singer, songwriter, guitarist and filmmaker, self-taught composer known for music that was hard to categorize. He has been described as the "godfather" of comedy rock.
  • In 1947 Paco de Lucía was born, a Spanish virtuoso flamenco guitarist and composer, one of the first flamenco guitarists who branched into classical music and jazz. He stated that he learned the guitar "like a child learns to speak" since his father pushed him to practice for 12 hours a day since the age of five.

Important Historical Events on 21st of December

  • 1879 – A Doll's House premieres in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • 1913 – The New York World publishes the first crossword puzzle, called "word-cross" at the time.
  • 1923 – An agreement of friendship is signed by the UK and Nepal.
  • 1937 – The first full-length animated feature in the world, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, premieres.
  • 1967 – The first man to undergo a heart transplant, human-to-human, dies 18 days after the transplant.
  • 1988 – The largest aircraft in the world takes its first flight.

December Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Sagittarius Information

Additional Information

Sagittarius - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Sagittarius Man - information and insights on the Sagittarius man.

Sagittarius Woman - information and insights on the Sagittarius woman.

Sagittarius Compatibility - the compatibility of Sagittarius with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Sagittarius History - the history of Sagittarius and the stories behind it.

Sagittarius Symbol - images and interpretations of the Sagittarius symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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