February 12th Zodiac
Date: February 12th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Color: Silver
In One Word: Reflection
Shape: Semicircle
Strength: Relationship Awareness
Weakness: Passive
Most Compatible With: Leo
As if the 12th of February was the end of the month, we will see that one cycle needs to end with their role in the family tree. They will have a task to change entire archetypes and matters incorporated deeply in the collective unconscious, and this must be done through compassion and understanding of the weak. Without patience, this birth date becomes impossible to bear.
February 12th Horoscope
February 12th is a date that has a special connection to the Moon, the heart, and matters of family and intimacy. While the Sun in Aquarius always shows certain weaknesses and easily subjects to stress, it will simply lead the way until they start their quest of soul-searching. It is typical for individuals born on this date to suffer from ego problems only up to the point where emotional imbalance is recognized and healed, as if their whole existence depended solely on their emotional state. The state of peace they wish to maintain isn't easily achieved in the first place, and they will see that one house, one city, one marriage, and one partner, often don't satisfy them enough to stay in one place for long.
Love and Emotions
In general, people born on February 12th tend to do several things at the same moment, and this goes for romantic relationships too. High awareness is needed for them to realize that they are at peace when they have nothing to hide, and as soon as actual honesty prevails (no matter the age), they will find themselves settling for the person who inspired them to be true. Even with their liberal view on romance and marriage, they will often get married young, only to realize what their heart truly desires and where love is really found within.
A person born on this date is loving and tender, but at the same time too rational to let too many people into their heart. If one relationship breaks with a bang, the other will fail to begin or be built on remnants of what once was with someone else. Even though the thrill of the moment guides them, they feel good about long-term commitments and will form relationships to last them a lifetime if they only open their hearts for long enough to sink into intimacy.
While soul-searching is in order, people born on February 12th have an innate need for movement, and not only change as all Aquarius representatives, but actual physical movement of the limbs. They need to walk and run, a lot, and drive as far as they need to whenever they wish to relax their mind. It is their mission in life to share a message of the heart, learn about non-verbal communication, but also name their feelings in all the right ways. Colors of emotions will take a shape of love when they're spoken, and their expression is to become one of devotion, care, and nurturement.
What They Excel In
Those born on February 12th have a talent for real estate, home decorating and inspiring innovative engineering solutions for apartments for large families. Their ego will push them towards personal success only so they can find that togetherness is the key to happiness, and they will show real talent for relationship issues, becoming valued therapists and matchmakers. They excel in all activities that involve their childish and naïve nature, and give the best results when their tenderness is recognized and respected.
February 12th Birthday Gift
To choose a gift for individuals born on this date, you can always choose a book with an innovative approach to life. Although they will often prefer drama and all sorts of ways to approach their emotions through the outer world, it will still intrigue them to find out something new from the field of esoteric, astrological, or synchronicity research. They need a useful present that can instantly be put on the shelf or used with their own two hands, and you should always search for signals they share from the heart along the way.
Positive Traits for February 12th Born
More emotional than they might seem, they are born with great interpersonal and social skills, and the ability to speak about any subject that comes to mind. The ease of expression is found in the strength of their emotional world and support from family.
Negative Traits for February 12th Born
Without a soothing childhood, they become spoiled or stressed, turned to their brain and the useful side to things rather than the one that makes them happy.
Healing Crystal
Green aventurine is probably the best possible crystal to be used for heart healing of those born on February 12th. It is colored green because of the presence of Fuchsite, a sparkly, reflective stone. Its main purpose is to help in the area of love and all relationships, but is also commonly used to handle stress and life changes. To add to healing of the physical heart, this stone can also aid facial skin problems and allergies.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 12th of a leap year and two years preceding it:
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 12th of a year following a leap year:
These symbols share a certain feeling of peace and serenity, and created by a passionate man and a big bear. The strong masculine force and battle those born on this date carry within, will be overcome, maintained, and lead to sensitive, social, and spiritual activities that help one create a connection the world. They have something to show and share through words, and this will find a powerful basis in experience they gather through life.
Famous Birthdays on 12th of February
- In 1809 Charles Darwin was born, an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contribution to the science of evolution. He neglected his medical studies, opposed his father, and left for a two-year-voyage over the coastline of South America that sent him on the path towards his evolutionary theory.
- In 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born, the 16th President of the United States and one of its assassinated leaders. He was born on the same day as Charles Darwin, and both their mothers died while they were still children.
- In 1958 Omar Hakim was born, an American jazz, jazz fusion, and pop music drummer, arranger, and composer, who performed with David Bowie, Sting, Madonna, Dire Straits, Kate Bush, and many other famous performers. This can help us understand the support that the Moon is supposed to give to the Sun.
Important Historical Events on 12th of February
- 1541 – Pedro de Valdivia (born on April 17th) founds Santiago, Chile.
- 1855 – The State University of Michigan is established.
- 1909 – The founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
- 1947 – A crater is created from an impact of the largest observed iron meteorite until that time, in Sikhote-Alin, Soviet Union.
- 2001 – The first ever spacecraft to land on an asteroid, NEAR Shoemaker touches down in the "saddle" region of Eros.
- 2004 – By a directive from Mayor Gavin Newsom (born on October 10th), San Francisco starts issuing marriage licenses for same-sex couples.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.