February 6th Zodiac
Date: February 6th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Color: Yellow Green
In One Word: Haven
Shape: Circle
Strength: Love
Weakness: Passive Aggression
Most Compatible With: Aries
There is a lot of work that needs to be put into the emotional world of those born on the 6th of February. Their heart is pure in foundation, but anger tends to build up if they don't learn how to vent and get it out through constructive conflict and a fight for personal success. Their main task is to understand the importance of negative emotions so they can embrace them on their way to freedom.
February 6th Horoscope
With two feminine archetypes in their planetary row, we can safely presume that the primal nature of individuals born on February 6th is more passive than that of most Aquarius representatives. Still, their digits add to create number 8, the number of Mars, and there is a strong need for initiative they come to discover in life. In the practical sense, this will lead to many conflicts they don't understand, disturbing for their loving nature that seems to be there to give support and love to the world. Their boundaries can be weak and must be built strong to keep them safe, and protect their hearts from hurt and painful experiences.
Love and Emotions
The world of emotions is hidden in all its glory in the eyes of those born on this date. It is in their nature to feel things and see them vividly, in color, their lives filled with beauty, expectance and magic. Feelings that fuel their body and soul are intense, caring, and truly deep, and they will never settle for less than what they know they deserve. Love is their imperative and they will live chasing for it until they finally find balance with another human being.
Many Aquarius representatives born on the 6th of February have issues with personal boundaries, and this could open them up for relationships with abusive partners and those who impose their will and intrude in their world. They should always stay aware of their personal space and everything they wish to accomplish on their own, or the sense of freedom they seek along with their Aquarian brothers and sisters might slip through their fingers.
The purpose in lives of those born on the 6th of February is quite obvious from their planetary row, and their overall rule by Mars. The link between Mars and these feminine energies can be extremely challenging, and a person will often evoke and create things and situations they are not yet ready for. Their Soul will rush in, and their need for physical satisfaction will often pull them into self-destructive patterns. Their mission in life is to set personal boundaries and understand the importance of the physical plane they live in, being fully aware of their anger, instincts, and unconscious energies that guide them in a certain direction.
What They Excel In
Each person born on the 6th of February has an eye for beauty and an artistic talent to use in this lifetime. Although this might not be their primal occupation, we shouldn't be surprised to see their photographs, music, or drawings touch the hearts of many. They understand relationships and they will truly excel as partners, lovers, and spouses, for as long as their world isn't tainted with unresolved anger. They have to always stay in tune with what they love to do, and if they hold on to the ideal and stay inspired, in love, and excited about their endeavors day after they, they will become a glimpse of perfection in whatever it is that occupies their hearts.
February 6th Birthday Gift
A birthday gift for a person born on the 6th of February can always be a beautiful piece of art that is in sync with their sensibility and their home. Everything they possess needs to be balanced with their inner world, and this will be achieved by finding its place in the surroundings to fit in. Such a misfit as every Aquarius, all they need is acceptance, and they will create it for every object that enters their lives. They will enjoy a surprise and an elaborate scheme to lead them to the gift, even if the list of activities is a gift itself, and usually need something objective and from the material world to satisfy their senses and their emotional need to hold on to stuff they got in special moments.
Positive Traits for February 6th Born
Loving, inspiring, and emotional, these individuals are the strongest pillar for those around them and the best friends from the world of Aquarius. They will share emotions, money, and sweets with others, always ready to support their loved ones no matter the cost.
Negative Traits for February 6th Born
Angry and frustrated, if they don't accept negative emotions as a natural response to certain issues, they might build up in their hearts, taint their inner world, and make them unsatisfied and aggressive towards other people and themselves.
Healing Crystal
The best stone to connect the energy of Mars and the first chakra with the emotional body of a person and their fourth chakra is ruby in fuchsite (also called green muscovite), aiding one to embrace differences, dualities, and strange connections with others. This combination of crystals in one stone gives the ability to connect anger and love, negative and positive emotions, and instincts with divine love. It is a stone that helps when the body is out of balance, and it will help the root chakra to send the energy to the heart.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 6th of a leap year and two years preceding it:
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 6th of a year following a leap year:
The combination of these symbols speaks of things one needs to protect in the inner world, and the treasure that needs to be kept safe through an animalistic approach to those that might attack. Still, the second symbol doesn't support secrecy, and we can see that the feminine way to protect what is vulnerable won't give results. Actual masculine effort must be made – through the nature of Mars. Lies will not serve them well, no matter the intention behind them.
Famous Birthdays on 6th of February
- In 1911 Ronald Reagan was born, an American politician and actor, known as the 40th President of the United States. Even as a child he had a deep faith in the goodness of people, and was strangely opposed to racial discrimination of any kind. It is believed that he got his optimism and positive beliefs in the human race from his mother.
- In 1912 Eva Braun was born, the German wife of Adolf Hitler (born on April 20th). Appropriately, a partner is always seemingly opposite to the image of one person, and the unconscious energies of this woman's Mars obviously found their expression through the masculine figure – her husband.
- In 1962 Axl Rose was born, an American singer, songwriter and producer, the lead vocal of the band Guns N'Roses. We can see the symbolism of the Moon and Venus in the ballads he sang, especially one of the band's greatest hits Don't Cry, but aggression accumulated by his upbringing obviously shone through the music as the primal force.
Important Historical Events on 6th of February
- 1815 – The first American railroad charter is granted to John Stevens (born on June 26th) by New Jersey.
- 1819 – Singapore is founded by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (born on July 6th).
- 1843 – The first minstrel show, the Virginia Minstrels, is opened in NYC.
- 1900 – The Senate of the Netherlands ratifies an 1899 peace conference decree, and an international arbitration court at The Hague is created.
- 1918 – The right to vote is given to British women over the age of 30.
- 1988 – Michael Jordan (born on February 17th) makes his signature slam dunk from the free throw line, that is to inspire Air Jordan and the Jumpman logo.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.