August 3rd Zodiac
Date: August 3rd
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Color: Rosewood
In One Word: Direction
Shape: Arrow
Strength: Direct
Weakness: Scattered
Most Compatible With: Aquarius
August 3rd can be considered lucky in a way, for its width of optimism and perspective connects the fixed sign of Leo with the constant of movement through life. People born at this time need to stay on the move, always look to the future, and overcome obstacles with a little more ease than someone else might. Their strength is found in their chest rather than their brain, and once they get in touch with the force of emotions they carry within, they become unstoppable.
August 3rd Horoscope
Mars and Jupiter always combine to form some sort of a mission, a quest that a person born with such entities in their row needs to follow. Although the road is sometimes unclear, we will see that those born on the 3rd of August have their next step in mind even when their perspective needs to change and their opinions seem too stiff. Their imperative in life is to strive for higher aims, altitudes that other people fear, and they often get confused by steps taken, forgetting to enjoy themselves or stop to smell the flowers along their way.
A certain amount of stress is embedded in their soul and they are to release it, slow down, and see who they truly are along the way. Battles with authorities and different images of Self are possible. They will seem stable in their appearance and clear in their actions, but inside their stomach, there is a much larger battle going on than meets the eye. Truth will set them free and once they get in touch with their core of authentic personality, everything will fall into place.
Love and Emotions
Intense personalities with vision are born on this date, and this might influence their love life in strange ways. They have a lot going on in their mind and sometimes fail to see the obvious in their heart, their sensations of the energetic field surrounding them, and their world of emotions. This could lead them into numerous relationships in which they don’t really connect to their partner, or keep them stuck in one that doesn’t fulfill their needs just because their strivings in life coincide with those of a person standing in front of them.
It is important that they take a step back and feel what they feel before starting a new romance. Once they have their emotions in order, they will know how to stop projecting and see others for what they are, knowing what to expect and how to reach their idealized image. They need someone patient, someone to keep them calm, and a partner they can travel with through distances of the world and of their own mind.
Lives of individuals born on August 3rd are purposeful and filled with meaning as they are, but their goal is set in waters of emotions and always in their family tree. Just as their Sabian symbols wants us to see, their foundation and structure need to be in order, and their experience is to teach them how to find their center combining all elements they have received from their ancestors into a stable whole, branching with life. Oneness with others is their quest, and it is those they live with that should be respected enough to find it with.
What They Excel In
Leos born on August 3rd excel in archery, horseback riding, and every activity connected with teaching and travel. They are wonderful travel agents and guides, always willing to explore something new and widen their world more every day. It is in their power to connect to hearts of others and pour true knowledge into them, through connections that are human and profound.
August 3rd Birthday Gift
Missionaries with a cause, the best choice of gift for their birthday is a book on what they currently study, a horse, maybe a ticket to a foreign land, or something grand that will change their perspective. They wish to be taken to open spaces where they can breathe, surrounded by people who understand their ideals. When you buy their present, make sure it is something they believe in, and don’t choose practical items they might never use. Enroll them in a course, teach them something new, or buy a quick to learn guide through a foreign language.
Positive Traits for August 3rd Born
Straightforward, on the move, and wide in their opinions, they are the travelers with a cause, those who share their views and their knowledge selflessly, and wish to give their energy to those willing to follow.
Negative Traits for August 3rd Born
Stubbornly chasing after things that aren’t real, they could get stuck in a loop of disappointment and mental efforts that won’t lead them where they wish to go.
Healing Crystal
The right crystal to cleanse the vision of those born on the 3rd of August is arfvedsonite. It aids their ability to create and manifest what colors their mind, clearing the path of projections and looking too far into the future with too much expectation. It will help these Leo representatives get in touch with their organizing abilities, restructuring their life and bringing extraordinary insights followed by a strong positive vibration. In extreme cases, it may help one predict the future, seeing clearly what hides behind the curve.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Leo representatives born on August 3rd:
We can see the stability and history that needs to profoundly shape the world of those born on this date in order for their child within to blossom. They wish to have fun in this lifetime, but if they dismiss their roots or separate from family values that made them who they are, they will have trouble finding the right branch to swing on. This tree shows them as a stable, living organism that is to give structure and a solid foundation for their creative, expressive, and most joyous self to shine in laughter.
Famous Birthdays on 3rd of August
- In 1941 Martha Stewart was born, an American author, publisher and businesswoman, the founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. She incorporated her mother's teaching of basic household activities in her incredible career.
- In 1963 James Hetfield was born, an American singer, songwriter and guitarist, best known as the lead singer of the heavy metal band Metallica. His parents were Christian Scientists and guided by beliefs, remained in strict denial of medicine and any medical treatment, even when his mother was dying from cancer. This kind of upbringing became the inspiration for many of his lyrics.
- In 1967 Skin (Deborah Anne Dyer) was born, also known as the lead singer of the hard rock band Skunk Anansie. She is famous for her wide-ranging voice and deeply dark, emotional songs, and we can see that her appearance speaks well of the forceful row of Mars and Jupiter on her birthdate.
Important Historical Events on 3rd of August
- 1492 – Christopher Columbus begins his journey, setting sail from Spain.
- 1527 – John Rut sends the first known letter from North America.
- 1778 – In Milan, Italy, the theatre La Scala is inaugurated.
- 1859 – Founding of the American Dental Association.
- 1946 – The opening of Santa Claus Land, the first themed amusement park in the world.
- 1958 – The first submerged transit of the North Pole is completed by Nautiluss, the US nuclear submarine.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.