July 11th Zodiac

Date: July 11th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Gold (metallic)
In One Word: Opposing
Shape: Two Circles Connected by a Line
Strength: Confidence
Weakness: Ego
Most Compatible With: Taurus

A date such as the 11th of July speaks of liberation from other people's wills and opinions that is typically connected to one's family and their relationship with their father. The momentum of this day leads to self-discovery as the most important task a person needs to fulfill in this lifetime, while standing opposed to those who oppress or in any way demean their value or don’t respect their personality in all its shining glory.

July 11th Horoscope

SUN – SUN – (Pluto) – URANUS

The story of two Suns in one planetary row is never easy for there rarely seems to be enough room for two kings of the jungle to coexist and be safe from one another. This is a typical signal that a person born on the 11th of July has a battle going on inside them, for they need to stand for their opinions and their own willpower against those they are bound to respect. Troubles with authority are almost always present here, and respect needs to go both ways in order for their self-image and their body to be healthy and free from toxins of outer influences and any substances that don’t do them good.

Love and Emotions

Although their love life might seem like a battlefield and a constant search for respect and someone to let them be just who they are, they are visionaries and idealists with a cause. When they believe in the ultimate emotion that governs their significant bond, they stay tied to one person forever, never forgetting what the ideal behind the problems is. They are reliable and gentle lovers, even when burdened by too many issues of self-respect, and tend to search for strong partners that can take the wheel when times get rough and become true pillars of support when needed.

Basing their emotional decisions on rational choices, they can get carried away and into relationships that look better on paper than in their heart. It is important for them to stay in touch with their Soul and their true emotional world in order to find someone they can laugh with. If not, a pose might take over and they could get stuck in a loveless marriage or any bond that doesn’t really make them happy. Their smile is their best point of reference and something they are to always believe in.


The purpose in lives of individuals born on July 11th hides under the veil of Neptune, in the fog of the dusk in the forest and oceans that remain unexplored. It is their mission calling on them, making them special, gifted and inspired as they charge for the magic of life. They are dreamers hiding behind roles of obvious, plain people, and move towards finding faith and belief in their own talents and possibilities that should keep them in touch with Divine Love forever.

What They Excel In

Individuals born on the 11th of July shine in leading and managing positions, all those places that require organization of mind, business and governing. They know how to organize other people, delegate work in the right way, and when they aren’t too modest and shy to have the right attitude, they become great leaders that entire companies and societies circle around. Creative children with high ideals, they become grand when they use their talents without shame and insecurities holding them back. Mediators, good friends, and those who are willing to risk a partnership with difficult and valuable individuals, they work well in a team, even though their path typically relies on confident, personal calls.

July 11th Birthday Gift

A birthday gift for a person born on July 11th should be a pleasant, sparkly surprise. They will enjoy something expensive, branded, or made of gold, even though their Sun sign typically pushes them into practical and modest choices. Choose a piece of jewelry, a fine belt or something that will give the final touch to their appearance and the way they present themselves. All fiery and shining items stand for a good choice, be it a starry sky for their room, a large lamp, or a holographic image that should be put on their window. They need a touch of magic, art and inspiration in everything in life, so don’t be too practical to see how important beauty is, in whatever they receive.

Positive Traits for July 11th Born

Strong willed, childish, creative and filled with energy, they are ready to fight for their ideals and follow the mission they were born with wherever it takes them with bravery and dedication.

Negative Traits for July 11th Born

Feeling forced by others to become something they are not, if they lack the bravery of a healthy Sun they become gullible, easy to control and leaving all responsibility to other people.

Healing Crystal

Brazilianite is a wonderful stone for everyone born on July 11th, linked to the dream of ancient Atlantis. It will boost one's creative abilities and show where force has been used one too many times, guiding the path through life without misuse of power. This stone will stimulate their solar plexus chakra, making it easier to stand on their own identity when surrounded by strong individuals and natural authorities they have a hard time facing. Creative manifestation is deeply supported by this stone and it brings obvious and practical creativity into one's life on a day to day basis.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 11th:

"A Priest Performing a Marriage Ceremony"

The symbolism of connecting between two different people is powerful here, for this Cancer representative seems to be the mediator that is needed to connect the two and find middle grounds in faith and higher guidance. People born at this time feel a strong need to unite what seems to be too different to coexist, and choose partners that are difficult, stubborn or set in their ways, to put in the effort to see them from a point close to the middle. They will be in a role of a mediator between their parents from time to time, but mostly this will manifest through their social circle, friendships they are to heal and mend, and their own relationships that all seem to be a battle for common grounds where respect is a given.

Famous Birthdays on 11th of July

  • In 1934 Giorgio Armani, an Italian fashion designer, the founder of the Armani Company and one of the most popular designers of all times. After pursuing a career in medicine, he changed his entire professional path and became the figure we know of today.
  • In 1958 Hugo Sanchez was born, a Mexican footballer, coach and manager, often regarded as the greatest Mexican footballer that ever lived. His fame led him straight into managerial positions where his two Suns felt right.
  • In 1959 Suzanne Vega was born, an American singer, songwriter and guitarist, that rose to prominence in the mid-1980s with hits like "Luka" and "Tom's Diner". She grew up knowing one father only to learn at the age of nine that her biological father was someone else, quite literally fulfilling the story of two Suns.

Important Historical Events on 11th of July

  • 1576 – Greenland is sighted for the first time.
  • 1848 – The opening of the Waterloo railway station in London, UK.
  • 1893 – Kokichi Mikimoto (born on January 25th) obtains the first cultured pearl.
  • 1962 – The first transmission of satellite television across the Atlantic.
  • 1977 – Presidential Medal of Freedom is posthumously awarded to Martin Luther King, Jr. (born on January 15th)
  • 1979 – Skylab, the first US space station, is destroyed as it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere.

July Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Cancer Information

Additional Information

Cancer - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Cancer Man - information and insights on the Cancer man.

Cancer Woman - information and insights on the Cancer woman.

Cancer Compatibility - the compatibility of Cancer with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Cancer History - the history of Cancer and the stories behind it.

Cancer Symbol - images and interpretations of the Cancer symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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