July 8th Zodiac

Date: July 8th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Electric Crimson
In One Word: Intensity
Shape: Straight Line
Strength: Energetic
Weakness: Hasty
Most Compatible With: Capricorn

In search for balance and inspiration, those born on the 8h of July have many difficult lessons to handle, especially those connected to the fall of Mars in their Sun sign. It is a time of initiative and strength when one's physical body needs to be nurtured in order for innovative solutions and great ideas to be gently brought down to Earth.

July 8th Horoscope

(Pluto) – MARS – (Pluto) – URANUS

This is a date of high energies that are meant to serve personal growth and lift one's Soul to the next step towards evolution. It is a time of physical strength and wellbeing when the shrine of the body is to be adored, cherished, and seen as the main priority in life. Many people born on this date will become sportsmen, spend their life in training or invent their own routine to care for themselves. If the focus goes out of their material world and the level of their physique, they could get angry, ungrounded, separated from other people and the world, or even aggressive towards others or themselves.

In the attempt of self-expression, it is the task of those born on July 8th to learn how to speak their inner truth and their mind and listen to others with respect and admiration. They are to see the light in every person they meet, and form solid relationships based on healthy human interaction that gives everyone the freedom to be themselves. They need to build their social circle on a solid foundation of mutual respect to get the most out of life.

Love and Emotions

Feelings play an incredibly big part in lives of Cancer representatives born on the 8th of July, but it isn’t easy for them to balance out their inner cravings and passion with tender and discrete emotions. They are wildly sensitive but deeply sexual in their core and their important relationships need to satisfy each aspect of love with the same quality and intensity. They are passionate lover, eager to learn about ways in which they can connect to another human being.

Attractive and energetic, they could have a hard time holding on to one romance for long, and while they tend to become excellent lovers, they often chase their commitments out of stubbornness instead of love. Their hearts are ready to connect, but only with their physical needs met and their need for freedom respected every step of the way. They want a partner to move with, train with and travel with, so they can feel free to be who they are, supported to express their own inner truth with respect and admiration.


The chase of a lifetime for those born on July 8th is their chase for love. Togetherness provides them with all the answers they seek in the end, and it is their task to see the beauty in everything, live easy, and find the point of balance that allows them to always keep a smile on their face. It is a date of relating when other people in one's life serve to show their deep inner state. Motivation and balance are found when they find the right partner and the right crowd to belong to, while enjoying their own choices every step of the way.

What They Excel In

People born on July 8th excel in sports and physical challenges as well as archery and martial skills. They are ready and brave, leaders among their kind, and need to learn when to pull the breaks and stop instead of rushing into conflicts that won’t be constructive in the end. Their energy levels are high, and they will prove to be a good choice for an employee in any branch of expertise, even though they might lack people skills or don’t even like the job to begin with. With proper motivation and love for their work, they find inspiration to achieve great things.

July 8th Birthday Gift

A person born on July 8th loves surprises and will cherish a gift at any time if it is a sign of gratitude or love. They are sharpshooters with a difficulty to express their true nature and need lessons in martial arts, archery, or any form of dealing with aggression and feelings of inadequacy. Buy them sporting equipment, something in red, or something that will sharpen their vision and their focus. If you can’t feel this inner energy they carry, choose something practical, a Swiss knife, or anything they can use to work with until they find their way to creatively express.

Positive Traits for July 8th Born

Energetic, strong, willing and ready to lead, they are brave and filled with intense focus that needs to be put to good use. When they get a grip on something good, they won’t let it go.

Negative Traits for July 8th Born

Aggressive, angry, unable to see that their energy can be used in constructive ways, if they let their ancestors lead the way into strange behaviors and destructive choices, they become the force of unawareness that repels people who try to touch their intimate world.

Healing Crystal

The right stone for the Martian energies of those born on the 8th of July is fire agate. Not only will it help them form a shield to the outer world and feel safe and secure in their own skin, this crystal will also give them the bravery needed to act while secure on their own two feet and aware that they don’t have to hurt anyone on their path. It is a stone that will make them feel alive and in sync with energies that society or their parents shoved aside.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 8th in any year that isn’t a leap year:

"A Man Studying a Mandala in Front of Him, With the Help of a Very Ancient Book"

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 8th of a leap year:

"The Unfoldment of Multilevel Potentialities Issuing from an Original Germ"

There are so many layers to the symbols that are in connection with this date. We may presume that the complex personality of those born at this time yearns to be unveiled, unpacked, layer by layer and one piece at a time. This is the story of Self in all is beauty, with all the help one might get from ancient methods that give enough information, and other people who see them for who they are. Even though it isn’t visible at first glance, this is also a story about relating with others, for they serve as mirrors and examiners of the deepest world they carry within.

Famous Birthdays on 8th of July

  • In 1839 John D. Rockefeller was born, an American businessman that founded the Standard Oil Company, known as one of the wealthiest Americans of all times. He is often quoted saying: "The growth of a large business is merely a survival of the fittest."
  • In 1951 Anjelica Huston was born, an American actress and director, and the third generation of her family to win an Academy Award. Apart from the strength of Mars seen in her political activism and philanthropy, she wrote about her sexual relationships from teenage years.
  • In 1958 Kevin Bacon was born, an American actor and musician, known for a diverse range of movie roles some of which are darker, like those in Sleepers and The Woodsman where he was a sadist and an abuser. He is a subject of a trivia game titled Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon that states that any Hollywood actor can be linked to another in a handful od steps based on their association with Bacon.

Important Historical Events on 8th of July

  • 1497 – The first direct voyage from Europe to India.
  • 1776 – The first public reading of the Declaration of Independence of the US.
  • 1889 – The first time that The Wall Street Journal is published.
  • 1947 – Broadcast of reports that a UFO crashed in New Mexico.
  • 1948 – The first female recruits are accepted into the US Air Force.
  • 2011 – In the final mission of the Space Shuttle program of the United States, space shuttle Atlantis is launched.

July Zodiac Index

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Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Cancer Information

Additional Information

Cancer - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Cancer Man - information and insights on the Cancer man.

Cancer Woman - information and insights on the Cancer woman.

Cancer Compatibility - the compatibility of Cancer with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Cancer History - the history of Cancer and the stories behind it.

Cancer Symbol - images and interpretations of the Cancer symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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