July 18th Zodiac

Date: July 18th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Coquelicot
In One Word: Strength
Shape: Burning Arrow
Strength: Forceful
Weakness: Anger
Most Compatible With: Capricorn

The energetic impact of July 18th may be a bit tough to handle for the Sun in Cancer. Preparations of the body and Soul are needed for individuals born at this time to deal with life in the most productive way, and they are to stay tense, organized, and in touch with the Earth that inspires them and helps them move just as they want to. Their body should be their temple and nurturing it brings many benefits in the world surrounding them.

July 18th Horoscope

SUN – MARS – (Pluto) – URANUS

The theme of the body is emphasized in the planetary row of those born on the 18th of July, and their strength depends on their exercise, training, and their ability to hold on to structures and routines that are healthy and supportive. Sportsmen and activists, they need to keep their energy flowing and need to face the challenge of lack of sensibility for their own emotional needs. They are to face anger and destructive emotions head on, embracing the pain to truly grow and become fulfilled, energized individuals they were born to be.

Creative work and inspiration are shown in the secondary row of this date, typically manifesting through relationships with offspring and the need to artistically express. However, the physical nature of their primal setting doesn’t allow their brain to detach from the Earth for long, and if they choose to work in uplifting environments that boost their creative potential, they need to care for their body even more to balance their lives out.

Love and Emotions

Newfound states of their heart always represent turning points in lives of those born on July 18th. Each partner and love story they find themselves in shows the new pillar of growth and their relationships aren’t shallow even when they are short-termed. In search for excitement and sexual liberty, they shouldn’t settle for romances that keep them in any kind of spasm or make them feel restricted in their intimate expression. In touch with their heart and their body, they become wonderful lovers as they learn to connect with another person on a higher plane.

Aggression can stand in the way of a healthy bond and it is always wise for them to think about their boundaries before committing to any relationship. They need a partner they can run with, move with, and train with, so they can feel supported in issues of relevance for their health instead of staying in spheres of platonic love or ungrounded idealism. Caring for another human being, they end up caring for themselves, and tenderness given and received in balance is the key to the happiness they seek.


On their path towards liberation, people born on the 18th of July get stuck in repetitive choices and routines that might not support their growth. With an intense need to always be one step ahead, it is important for them to keep their feet on the ground and see their opportunities and abilities as realistically as possible, so they can grow in large steps they wish to make. Surprises and evolution tell their tale as they learn how to move up the ladder quicker than other people.

What They Excel In

People born on July 18th do well in sports, movement, and archery. They are focused and dedicated to the cause but might not work well within a team if their high strivings separate them from the crowd. Their path isn’t the one of standard routines and 9 to 5 working hours, and typically expands to freelance activities that leave room for their individualistic needs to be met. Their nature inclines towards art, fashion and engineering, and science might be on their list of preferences if supported through their upbringing. The strong role of Mars in their row will provide them with skills and the need to fight for justice and depending on their belief system, they do very well in law enforcement and military.

July 18th Birthday Gift

The right birthday gift for someone born on July 18th could be their monthly gym membership, or a simple push in the direction they wish to follow. You can choose something they will wear, something warm in shades of red if this fits their style or give them a voucher for a spa or a haircut they’ve wanted for a while. Buy something practical but thoughtful and new, instead of pointing them to matters of the past in any way.

Positive Traits for July 18th Born

Fierce, energetic and ready to act on impulse, they are the leaders among Cancer representatives and those who are always ready for a new challenge.

Negative Traits for July 18th Born

Uncooperative or too cooperative, they have a hard time finding the point of balance between their own needs and the needs of other people. Anger stands in the way of their happiness. They are to embrace it and build solid boundaries to protect themselves from pain.

Healing Crystal

The right grounding stone for Cancer representatives born on the 18th of July is limonite, resonating with the base chakra and providing them with enough energy to fulfill their role in life. Boosting telepathic abilities and one's connection to the Higher Mind, this crystal will support the evolution of these individuals rising them above conditions and circumstances that aren’t in their best interest.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 18th in a year preceding a leap year:

"A Willful Man is Overshadowed by a Descent of Superior Power"

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 18th in a leap year and two years following it:

"Guests are Reading in the Library of a Luxurious Home"

Something grand and bigger than their abilities is always a part and a risk in lives of those born on July 18th and these symbols point out the magnitude of their true character. For as long as they are willing to learn, read, grow, and change perspective, they will be blessed by benefits of the world. If they start struggling against the system and things they cannot control and affect, they become overburdened and sunk into shadows that are there to remind them of their true purpose in life.

Famous Birthdays on 18th of July

  • In 1918 Nelson Mandela was born, a South African politician and lawyer and the first President of South Africa. Taking his role of the first leader, he became the cult of personality as an icon of democracy and social justice.
  • In 1963 Marc Giardelli was born, an Austrian Luxembourgian alpine ski racer who was the five-time World Cup overall champion excelling in all give alpine disciplines. After obviously following the force of Mars given at birth, he retired and became involved in kids’ fashion in sports.
  • In 1967 Vin Diesel was born, an American actor, director and screenwriter, known best for his energetic roles in The Fast and the Furious and Chronicles of Riddick. His posture and overall appearance obviously point out the powerful impact of masculine planets in charge of this date.

Important Historical Events on 18th of July

  • 1290 – Jews are banished from England by king Edward I.
  • 1870 – The dogma of papal infallibility is decreed by the First Vatican Council.
  • 1914 – The first time that an aircraft gains official status in the US Army.
  • 1925 – Mein Kampf is published by Adolf Hitler (born on April 20th).
  • 1968 – The foundation of Intel in Mountain View, California.
  • 1976 – The first time that someone scores a perfect 10 in gymnastics in the history of the Olympic Games.

July Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Cancer Information

Additional Information

Cancer - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Cancer Man - information and insights on the Cancer man.

Cancer Woman - information and insights on the Cancer woman.

Cancer Compatibility - the compatibility of Cancer with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Cancer History - the history of Cancer and the stories behind it.

Cancer Symbol - images and interpretations of the Cancer symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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