July 4th Zodiac

Date: July 4th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Outer Space
In One Word: Visible
Shape: Ring
Strength: Diving In
Weakness: Depressed
Most Compatible With: Capricorn

July 4th is the date of liberation, of independence, and regardless of the national holiday in the US, it carries a strong energy of setting free from shackles and chains of any kind, as well as anything that holds us back. It is a place in our calendar where we are no longer limited and where the vast Universe begins, but also a place where responsibility needs to be taken for all our shadows to understand what truly goes on in our open minds.

July 4th Horoscope

(Pluto) – SATURN – (Pluto) – URANUS

Saturn and Uranus combined always tell the story of the spot where the visible boundaries meet the invisible ones, where matter becomes a wave of light, and where our skin touches the air surrounding it. People born on July 4th have the important task to see the difference between things that must be done and everything that doesn’t even have to be considered. Their task is to create the foundation for the innovative solutions that come naturally into their world, as if they are bound to make an airport for the most important landing of innovations into the real world. They are to make themselves able to ground ideas that stress them out until they are manifested and useful to other people.

It is the conflict with the person in front of them, typically some sort of authority or their father early in life, that gives them a sense of Self and helps them find their core. They are to learn that two sides to any problem only push us to find middle grounds and solutions that other people might not be able to see. These solutions will usually be found in the realms of the heart and warm and cozy interpersonal understanding rather than conflict.

Love and Emotions

Coming out of difficulty, responsibility and seriousness, love will show its weary head from the sands of lives of people born on July 4th. Their hearts can sometimes be closed for years until they reach the point of personal freedom that allows them to truly open for the person standing in front of them. They might enter their first serious relationship early on, or start dating late, but whatever the case, their love life is a matter of timing and they will feel the pressure of time and responsibility every step of the way, until they set free in their own inner world.

It is important that they don’t choose a partner based on their biological clock or the expectations of their surroundings and their family. Although their debt might be repaid by strange family choices and interferences in their love life, it is of greatest value to them to find their true boundaries and make emotional decisions on their own. This is a date of arranged marriages that are bound to end in divorce and mistakes made so one can finally get in touch with their true emotional core and find the openness of heart that will connect them with their soulmate.


Numbers in the row of individuals born on the 4th of July speak of two Suns that combine into number 2, the number of the Moon. Their purpose is to overcome ego issues, conflicts and troubles with authority to reach for intimacy, forgiveness and love. Their story is the story of ancestors and the typical story of the sign of Cancer, but one that asks for responsibility to be taken and seriousness that needs to be found in order for one to set free from chains of their ancestors weighing them down.

What They Excel In

Individuals born on the 4th of July excel in all matters written in their family tree, family business, and giving a stamp of time to things that other people can’t make permanent. They are solid and stable friends, reliable souls that will stand by those who understand them deeply, and excel in all areas that include digging, metaphorical or literal. They are successful historians, paleontologists, and mathematicians, those who invent new equations of life every day and know how to set up a foundation for the home they wish to live in.

July 4th Birthday Gift

A birthday gift for anyone born on the 4th of July doesn’t have to be spectacular or expensive, but it needs to be thoughtful and useful. Their nature is mostly practical, and they are not preoccupied with sentimental things for as long as they aren’t coming from one special person closest to their heart. They want something they can use, something that will allow them to grow and implement new experiences in their healthy routine. Enroll them in a course or a training, buy something for their kitchen or their home, and keep things simple and practical, while at the same time filled with affection for their warmth.

Positive Traits for July 4th Born

Focused on their goal point, ambitions and understanding the consequences of their deeds, they are strong, endurable and extremely reliable as friends and confidants.

Negative Traits for July 4th Born

Dark and filled with depressing thoughts, they can get pulled by negative emotions, memories they don’t know how to metabolize, and nostalgic turns that pull them into harmful circumstances that weaken their boundaries.

Healing Crystal

Celadonite in quartz gives just the right amount of healing energies to those born on July 4th, teaching them that they are safe to connect to higher realms to rejuvenate their Soul. This is the stone that unblocks feelings and with them, unlocks memories we have buried somewhere in the past. It is a crystal of healing that communicates with guides and higher realms and allows one to realize they are in the right place, at just the right time.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 4th in any year that isn’t a leap year:

"A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby Whose Aura Reveals Him to be the Reincarnation of a Great Teacher"

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 4th of a leap year:

"A Hand with a Prominent Thumb is Held Out for Study"

These two symbols speak of studying in all shapes and forms and tell the tale of everything that is to be learned about the person born on this date, and within their lifetime. It is the tools and the recognition through superstition, clairvoyance and all sorts of unusual ways, that allow one to be who they are and live out their highest potential. There is something vast and important hiding in practical, obvious and daily things, and it is up to them to find the meaning and the higher purpose in the smallest things in life.

Famous Birthdays on 4th of July

  • In 1927 Gina Lollobrigida was born, an Italian actress and photographer, the international sex symbol of the 1950s and the 1960s. Her detachment is well noticed in her tendency to speak about herself in the third person.
  • In 1938 Bill Withers was born, an American singer and songwriter who ended up in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2015. His hit with the most profound impact speaks of the darkness of Saturn in his row, in the song "Ain’t No Sunshine".
  • In 1952 John Waite was born, an English singer and songwriter, who rocketed his solo career with the song "Missing You", speaking well of his approach to loneliness.

Important Historical Events on 4th of July

  • 1802 – The Military Academy of the United States opens.
  • 1827 – The abolishment of slavery in the State of New York.
  • 1837 – The first long-distance railway opens between Birmingham and Liverpool.
  • 1934 – Chain-reaction design is patented by Leo Szilard (born on February 11th) that will be used in the atomic bomb later on.
  • 1950 – The first broadcast of Radio Free Europe.
  • 1966 – The Freedom of Information Act is signed into the US law by President Lyndon B. Johnson (born on August 27th).

July Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Cancer Information

Additional Information

Cancer - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Cancer Man - information and insights on the Cancer man.

Cancer Woman - information and insights on the Cancer woman.

Cancer Compatibility - the compatibility of Cancer with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Cancer History - the history of Cancer and the stories behind it.

Cancer Symbol - images and interpretations of the Cancer symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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