April 19th Zodiac
Date: April 19th
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Color: Coral
In One Word: Wanderer
Shape: Star
Strength: Guidance
Weakness: Confusion
Most Compatible With: Aquarius
It is not typical for an Aries to be lost in their strivings and have boundaries that are poorly set, but it can be the case in lives of those born on April 19th. They won't have the right direction and focus until they find their true inspiration and talents, and their energy will be drained by strange circumstances and people with weaknesses, dependencies, and vices that don't leave room for their own expression.
April 19th Horoscope
The helpers among Aries, those born on the 19th of April have a tendency to feel the vibe of the surroundings much more than other representatives of their sign. They will know what others try to cover up, and they must build enough trust in their own instincts and emotional responses. A bit too careful and misguided by empty words, they can seem naïve and strangely distant from the world surrounding them. It is of outmost importance for every person born on this date to set free from dependencies and realize that there is nothing holding them down.
When we combine all numbers in this row, we reach the sum of 14 that speaks of an archetypal battle of the Sun with Saturn, father and his son, and what is given as a seed of personality with what is reached for through hard work. In the end, all they will want to do is express who they are freely, but this might be tough to reach until the finally grow up into missionaries they were meant to be.
Love and Emotions
Dreamers and idealists, individuals born on the 19th of April have a tendency to read more into the behavior of their partners than they wish to show. They will either see relationships going their way when the other person isn't interested, or think that they don't stand a chance with someone who likes them. To build a realistic attitude, they have to believe their senses and stop for a minute when talking to the other person to think about all the possible scenarios, feeling which one resonates with their behavior and signals sent.
This idealism isn't something they should eradicate, but something to adapt to the specific situation. Without it, they wouldn't have ideal relationships to fight for and it is imperative that they nurture the ideal and never give up on it so they can grow through contacts they create with meaning and depth. As soon as they lower their expectations from others and start seeing the world from their positions, they will find that compassion and closeness come easy and they can build relationships with a strong foundation for the future.
The purpose in life for those who are born on April 19th is to express their true personality without fear, holding back, or irrational need to speak what isn't true. Mercury is their guiding light and they need to read, learn, get informed, and share what they have learned with people who need their experience. They are here to build a sense of practicality, even when Neptune takes the wheel and it comes natural to them to idealize the situation and fantasize about those they have feelings for or any mission they set out to follow.
What They Excel In
A person born on April 19 excels in mystery solving and will make a great detective or investigator of any kind. Their intuition is a powerful tool when they learn how to use it. They will also be good therapists, esoteric healers, or bartenders, with people skills that allow them to communicate to those who need help as well as those who had too much to drink. Curing others from addiction, they could also help themselves to overcome certain situations and things that hold them back and won't let them move forwards.
April 19th Birthday Gift
A gift chosen for a person born on the 19th of April can be almost anything you think of, for as long as it is creative and out of the ordinary. Support their love for the unusual, obscene, or spiritual, buy them a beautiful holder for incense sticks or a pack of essential oils that will soothe their fiery nature and help them find peace. They are a small child trapped in the body of an adult ever since puberty, and will enjoy a present that reminds them of carefree moments, laughter, play, and times in life that they remember as truly happy.
Positive Traits for April 19th Born
Dreamers with a practical approach to the etheric, capable, wide in perspective, and believers in the power of senses, they will inspire, move, help, and support, selflessly sharing their own inner light.
Negative Traits for April 19th Born
They get lost in too many expectations from their environment, unaware of their true path or their talents, and prone to give in to anesthetics, drugs, medication, or alcohol when bruised and unwilling to deal with the pain.
Healing Crystal
Tiffany stone (also called bertrandite) is an excellent stone for a person born on April 19th. It is a crystal of special properties and very subtle in processes it provokes, as it helps one to talk about deeper issues and hidden feelings that need to be verbalized and shared with another person. It will also help them find the unconditional love they carry within, and develop telepathic or unexplained abilities and talents that people around them don't support or understand.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Aries representatives born on April 19th born in any year that isn't a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Aries representatives born on April 19th of a leap year:
These Sabian symbols stand for music, water, and the miracle of life in its purest, animalistic form, all of these pointing to the importance of Neptune in lives of those born on this date. Symbolically speaking, a sphere represents a shape of the Divine and shapes the world we live in as well as every drop of water on it. This serves as a connection of the grand with the small, speaking of the law of synchronicity itself, and giving a strong foundation to the flow of Divine Love.
Famous Birthdays on 19th of April
- In 1946 Tim Curry was born, an English actor and comedian, known for diversity in acting, often portrayed villainous characters. Although he is also a singer and employing his talents in many different ways, it hasn't helped in physiology troubles of those close to him and himself (he ended up in a wheelchair as a result of a major stroke).
- In 1968 Ashley Judd was born, an American actress and activist who rose to fame in the 1990s and acted in Double Jeopardy and TV series Missing. With a powerful connection to the pain in the world, she has travelled with YouthAIDS to places affected by AIDS in Cambodia, Kenya and Rwanda. She stated that it is unconscionable to breed with the number of children who are starving to death in impoverished countries.
- In 1979 Kate Hudson was born, an American actress who played in Almost Famous, Raising Helen and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. She found it helping to commit to transcendental meditation and practices it on a regular basis.
Important Historical Events on 19th of April
- 1770 – The Eastern coast of Australia is spotted by James Cook (born on November 7th).
- 1839 – Belgium is established as a kingdom by the Treaty of London and guaranteed neutrality.
- 1892 – The claim of Charles Duryea (born on December 15th) that he drove the first car in the US.
- 1927 – For her play named Sex, Mae West (August 17th) is sentenced to jail time of ten days.
- 1956 – Grace Kelly (born on November 12th) is married to Prince Rainier of Monaco (born on May 31st).
- 1987 – The first appearance of The Simpsons on The Tracey Ullman Show.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.