April 9th Zodiac

Date: April 9th
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Color: Tyrian Purple
In One Word: Fences
Shape: Wave
Strength: Dreams
Weakness: Boundaries
Most Compatible With: Aquarius

We must recognize that April 9th speaks of the end of one cycle, while still posing for the Sun in Aries, innovative and the sign of all beginnings. It is impossible to separate the two in the long run, but adding them together might be a bit of a problem for those born on this date, and their actions seem to be connected with destiny in a way they need time to comprehend.

April 9th Horoscope

(Pluto) – NEPTUNE – (Pluto) – SATURN

Both of these planets speak of boundaries, in the physical and visible, or the invisible limits of one's aura. Whatever the case, their emphasis here must speak of some sort of task that a person born on April 9th has to deal with and resolve, and we will see that it is very often the case that their aura is damaged, their world penetrated by people that make them tired, and their skin overly sensitive and marked by every deep experience in their life. Their greatest weapon in the truth, but their sense of responsibility towards the outer world and sensitivity for other people's emotions will often make it difficult for them to speak their mind as clearly and roughly as one Aries representative always should.

This numeral entity comes down to number 13 and its digits combine to number 4. Interestingly, number 13 is the feminine number of freedom that gives the equality to one man and one woman, and all imbalances found in their perception of these relationships will manifest as circumstance and karma seen through tough limitations of Saturn.

Love and Emotions

When we speak of emotions in those born on the 9th of April, we can see idealists with a cause to find the Divine Love. They might sense it in their relationships with partners or their bond to the world itself, and there is no way of saying how all this emotional potential will manifest in their lifetime. They will chase for those they idealize and feel like poets when truly inspired by love, but very often be held back by their own fears and boundaries that reside in their unconscious world. This will make them choose partners who are out of reach, married or otherwise taken and impossible to change or be with.

As time goes by, they usually start feeling ready for serious relationships that will melt their heart and make them realize where they have been wrong. They need a realistic view on life and people in it, but still have a magic to maintain and a belief that asks for attention every day. True love is simply waiting for them to deal, accept, and sink in wherever Saturn wishes to take them.


It is the purpose in life of those born on April 9th to end what was started, only to find balance within. They always have a debt that needs to be repaid, left by their ancestors and those who preceded them in their workplace, or any area of life where they feel responsible for more than they are really supposed to. They will find that their difficult circumstances wear off if they accept them and if they take matters into their own two hands, embracing responsibility only for their happiness along the way.

What They Excel In

Dreamers with a cause, they excel in all arts that have a purpose, and know how to invest their talents in the greater good. We will see that they are often philanthropists and givers, feeling responsible in a way for the pain in the world they feel too often. Although their personality is strong and this makes them excel as managers and leaders, they will feel good only when they are on a mission to heal and change circumstances of those less fortunate.

April 9th Birthday Gift

To put a smile on the face of those born on April 9th, you can always choose something artistic enough to spark their imagination and curiosity, but it is wise to hold on to practical things that can be used daily. Their gift can be a sculpture or something made out of clay, stone, or iron. The heavy weight of things with creative essence will make them feel calm and secure about their own position in life. They will use all sorts of religious or traditional remedies, incense sticks and essential oils, if they come into their life at the right time. These individuals are not superstitious but sense the energy of the moment and know how to hold on to the time that gives them a certain glow that is to be respected and cherished.

Positive Traits for April 9th Born

Accepting, responsible, ambitious, they are one of the most creative Aries representatives. Talents will guide them, inspire them, and make them romantic, good listeners, and calm idealists.

Negative Traits for April 9th Born

Lost, easily turned to dependencies and substance abuse, when their boundaries are damaged or hard to establish, they get used, abused, and turn into abusers themselves.

Healing Crystal

Ussingite can be a deeply connecting and powerful stone to heal those born on the 9th of April, as it stimulates their connection to the higher realms while at the same time balancing out these messages with the Earth. It allows one a better understanding for the goals ahead of them, what needs to be resolved, and integrates the subtle body with the physical one through deep comprehension. It is a crystal that allows acceptance.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Aries representatives born on April 9th born in one of the two years preceding a leap year:

"The "Magic Carpet" of Oriental Imagery"

The Sabian symbol for Aries representatives born on April 9th of a leap year and a year that follows:

"A Young Girl Feeding Birds in Winter"

There is a feminine force to both of these motives, one of them providing warmth and the other food. Decorations seem to be only a small addition to the thesis and we will see that people born on April 9th have a feminine energy that is to be incorporated in the masculinity and directness of their Sun sign. It is in their primal nature to be forceful but also kind, and as soon as they find balance, they will see that caring for another being makes them much happier than forcing their opinions and attitudes on those who are weak.

Famous Birthdays on 9th of April

  • In 1926 Hugh Hefner was born, an American published who founded Playboy Enterprises. His excessively instinctive Aries role combined with Neptune gave a man who has as many as seven women concurrently, and living an image of life in a Playboy Mansion.
  • In 1966 Cynthia Nixon was born, an American actress known best for her role of Miranda in the series Sex and the City. Interestingly, after being in relationships with men her whole life, she discovered she had feelings for a woman (whom she'd later marry) and declared herself as bisexual.
  • In 1990 Kristen Stewart was born, an American actress recognized for her role of Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga. Her sexual orientation had a similar turn to that of Cynthia Nixon and she declared at some point that it is cool that "you don't have to nail everything down anymore" when it comes to certainty of being gay.

Important Historical Events on 9th of April

  • 1682 – The mouth of the Mississippi River is discovered by Robert Cavelier de La Salle (born on November 22nd) who claims it for France and names it Louisiana.
  • 1937 – The first Japanese built aircraft to fly to Europe, Kamikaze, arrives at an airport in London.
  • 1945 – The formation of the US Atomic Energy Commission.
  • 1959 – It is announced by NASA that the first seven astronauts have been selected.
  • 1965 – The opening of the Astrodome where the first indoor baseball game is played.
  • 1967 – The maiden flight of the first Boeing 737.

April Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Aries Information

Additional Information

Aries - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Aries Man - information and insights on the Aries man.

Aries Woman - information and insights on the Aries woman.

Aries Compatibility - the compatibility of Aries with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Aries History - the history of Aries and the stories behind it.

Aries Symbol - images and interpretations of the Aries symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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