January 14th Zodiac
Date: January 14th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Color: Safety Orange
In One Word: Fatherly
Shape: Circle
Strength: Responsible
Weakness: Pressuring
Most Compatible With: Pisces
Those born on January 14th always have a task to find value in their own actions, and resolve their inner father complex, no matter where it lies. This has nothing to do with gender or specific circumstances, but rather with an archetypal conflict of masculine principles that has to be embraced in order for a person to find freedom.
January 14th Horoscope
There are two Suns in this equation, separated by strong boundaries of Saturn. The fact that we are speaking of a Capricorn in the first place, gives a strong emphasis on parental, fatherly issues, and authority that one must respect and be shielded from, at the same time. The right phrase these individuals should always keep in mind is “… and then there were two” while separating deliberately from outer influences. The problem here is mostly rooted in closeness of the family and a “natural expectance” that they are to respect the desires of their parental authorities, doing everything to fulfill their desires at first, only to discover who they really are later in life. Passion must be well-balanced and followed, and their true inner process comes down to the building of a complete personality, apart from personalities of those they were influenced by.
Love and Emotions
For a person born on the 14th of January, emotional fulfillment is one of their biggest priorities. Still, they aren’t sure how to channel their feelings for another person, and their relationships can easily turn to symbiotic bonds that are to serve their personality building, rather than romances that will sweep them off their feet. Even if the relationship seems right, they won’t know if it is what they want until they create strong boundaries towards their partner, and allow their hunch and their gut feeling to guide the way.
They don’t need their loved one to go with the flow of family tradition and blossom with someone to inspire them and be proud of who they are. Once they discover what healthy boundaries look like, they will have a chance to be with someone equal, in a relationship where both partners build their individuals lives, sharing them through love and acceptance.
With so many inner personality struggles, these individuals might feel overburdened and pressured in many ways. Their task is to discover the feminine power within, no matter their gender, for it will give them the loving emotion and balance they seek between them and the outer world. Influences of other people could make them feel as if they were imbalanced and even crazy, and emotions could lead them to sacrifice too much for the benefit of those who don’t understand them. They should find a way to discover balance and inspiration, doing things with ease and a flow that enables self-worth to finally blossom.
What They Excel In
Those born on the 14th of January will excel in creative work and be a bit theatrical in their approach to life. This leads to their excellence in acting, drama, art, and managerial positions too, but only if they have a solid foundation to work from and an education to serve their biography. With the right support of the system, they can become very successful politicians, or turn to marriage counseling and matchmaking once they build their own emotional state of satisfaction.
January 14th Birthday Gift
Those born on January 14th have a sensitive world of personal space and boundaries, they are shy even when they seem straightforward, and their gifts always need to be respectful to make them feel good. If you push things too far and go with something funny and a bit degrading, it might be a mistake in the long run. Discover their hobby and buy something in connection to it, show interest in their career and their creative side. If they practice art, buy them a paintbrush, and if they are singers, an expensive new microphone. They will enjoy anything that openly shows other people's emotions through creativity, especially if it is wrapped in a fine paper with a colorful bow.
Positive Traits for January 14th Born
Strong-willed, highly aware, and deeply emotional, they are born with perfect senses they learn how to use every day. While they might lack the words to explain their inner states, they will show it through action of love in the time of need.
Negative Traits for January 14th Born
Too strict and narrowminded, they can be demanding if they don’t master the art of self-respect. Sacrificing too often and easily jumping into the role of a victim, sometimes even for no obvious reason.
Healing Crystal
When choosing a stone for January 14th born, we need to understand the connection of the Sun and Saturn they have a task to create. Yellow sapphire is the best way to go, for not only does it heal burnout, depression, lack of energy and exhaustion, but it also stimulates the intellect and it will help them understand things they feel through relationships with other people. It is a crystal that intensifies one's commitment to their life purpose and their karmic agreements.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Capricorns born on January 14th:
In connection to the planetary symbolism, we need to understand that this symbol speaks of a feminine side to Capricorn and with it – these individuals’ purpose guided by Venus as their numeral ruler. It is one of the feminine signs in the zodiac, although the exaltation of Mars might lead us to believe it is primarily filled with initiative and masculine, proactive, vigor. These symbols speak of a choice to remain passive, restrain oneself, and in a way, create solid boundaries to the outer world through faith. This is a truly interesting Sabian symbol, as it speaks of such strong masculine entities and archetypal battles of father and Sun, through such a tender, feminine energy, submissive towards faith in its higher force. It obviously sends a message to accept things as they are and remain in a spiritual state of belief, until the skies clear up and they learn how to attract what they wish for wit a little more ease.
Famous Birthdays on 14th of January
- In 83 BC Mark Anthony was born, a Roman general and politician. The shift in authority was lived on a much higher lever, as he played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic from an oligarchy into the autocratic Roman Empire.
- In 1741 Benedict Arnold was born, an American-British general and a good example of poorly set boundaries as he was charged for corruption and other officers claimed credit for some of his accomplishments.
- In 1941 Faye Dunaway was born, an American actress and producer. This woman spent her childhood traveling with her father being a non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Army. She claims that she found her Harvard professor William Alfred to be the father she “never had”.
Important Historical Events on 14th of January
- 1301 – The Árpád dynasty in Hungary ends as Andrew III of Hungary dies.
- 1539 – Cuba is annexed by Spain.
- 1938 – Queen Maud Land in Antarctica is claimed by Norway.
- 1960 – Australia's central bank and banknote issuing authority, The Reserve Bank, is established.
- 1973 – The concert Aloha from Hawaii of Elvis Presley (born on January 8th) is broadcast live via satellite, setting the record as the most watched broadcast by an individual entertainer.
- 2010 – An open war against the terrorist group al-Qaeda is declared by Yemen.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.