March 5th Zodiac

Date: March 5th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Color: True Blue
In One Word: Reason
Shape: Two-Sided Arrow
Strength: Life Philosophy
Weakness: Overthinking
Most Compatible With: Capricorn

March 5th is a date of scientific proof among blind believers, and the point where rational thought needs to jump into one's dreamland to make something real in life. It is a date of big thoughts, ideas, movement, and physical efforts, that will make a person born on it open for simultaneous solutions and discoveries, and leave their mind susceptible for all that is new.

March 5th Horoscope

(Pluto) – MERCURY – (Pluto) – JUPITER

A person born on the 5th of March is curious and wide in perspective, someone who thinks and talks about everything they know, about philosophy, travel, different cultures and perspectives, quite optimistic in their ways. It is very easy for them to glide into the hazy world of Pisces where Mercury is lost and they need to hold on to an inner state of balance and a nurtured physiology to be able to take in everything that life brings their way. Prone to wearing pink goggles, disappointments could come natural to them, especially if their convictions were set in such a pattern ever since they were children.

Love and Emotions

The primary dilemma of all Pisces representatives is if their belief in the magical love is possible to be brought to life. As materialization is the main story of every person born on March 5th, they have a task to ground whatever they can from their world of ideals and infinite beauty and love. Emotions will wait to be picked from the endless pool of the collective, but these individuals are almost always more reasonable than you would expect a Pisces representative to be. More often than not, they are taught at a young age that it is wrong to act on impulse and be too emotional, and to show only their rational side that shines a light on their core just as much as it has to.

Their relationships could be uncertain, hazy, and parallel. Communication is the key to any connection they make to another human being, but without a healthy sex life, chances are slim that any relationship will last. If they start losing faith and settling for less than what they know they seek, they might lose sight of what they wish to become. For as long as they have their life priorities in order, the overall situation will be just as satisfying as it needs to be.


From an asexual connection of Mercury and Jupiter in their planetary row, individuals born on the 5th of March have a task to understand the masculine, instinctive, animalistic, and passionate within. They are to jump into reality to make something with their sweat and blood. We might even say that a form of aggression is their guiding light, for they are the ones who need to accept conflict, constructive sides to every destructive move, and the positive elements in negative emotions. Once they allow themselves to get angry and feel frustrated with their own choices, all things they imagine get within their reach and become truly possible.

What They Excel In

They excel in all sorts of literary arts, writing, speaking, and teaching, and need to stay on the move at all times. This side to their personality often makes them good drivers even though Mercury doesn't feel so good in the sign of Pisces. Their ideals guide them somewhere new, and curiosity opens them up for research, education, and science. Although they might be more interested in asking questions about other human beings, they might as well turn to chemistry, physics, or other natural sciences. Sport is necessary for their body to function properly, and some of them will sense this at a young age and strive to become professional sportsmen and trainers.

March 5th Birthday Gift

Every individual born on the 5th of March wants something to examine, read, and touch. Play with words, write something creative on their gift card yourself, and think of ways to show them you value their creativity most. Whatever they like to do with their hands, this is the moment to give them the right tools, buy the equipment for a hobby they wanted to try out, or get them a new car that they constantly comment on the street.

Positive Traits for March 5th Born

Curious, spontaneous, talkative and talented, they have a way of expressing themselves in the best possible way in demanding situations. They are energetic and aware of the importance of the flow inside a group.

Negative Traits for March 5th Born

Overly rational, forgetting their emotional core and who they really are, they get so distant from their essence that they lose all sense of purpose in life.

Healing Crystal

Pollucite is a very beneficent stone for everyone born on March 5th, as if helps one communicate with the higher realm. It has been known to create a connection of the Soul with angels, but even if this doesn't suit the rational side to those born on this date, it will please them to know that it cleanses the aura and helps reach for a clear mind. This is a stone that may aid tactful speech, and support those who wish to detox from all sorts of environmental contaminants.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on March 5th of a year preceding a leap year:

"A Lady Wrapped in a Large Stole of Fox Fur"

The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on March 5th of a leap year, and two years following it:

"An Officer Instructing His Men before a Simulated Assault under a Barrage of Live Shells"

There is something fake in both of these symbols that are supposed to speak of things that could be, or of things that once were. The fox is no longer here, only its fur, and the barrage of shells is only simulated. As if the remnants of the past were there to prepare the person born on this date for what is yet to come, and inspire simulations of the future that will bring the results they seek.

Famous Birthdays on 5th of March

  • In 1955 Penn Jillette was born, an American magician, juggler and comedian, known mostly for his work with a fellow magician Teller. He advocated atheism, scientific skepticism, libertarianism, and free-market capitalism.
  • In 1958 Andy Gibb was born, an English singer and songwriter, known as the youngest brother of the Bee Gees. Addicted to cocaine and depressed, he died when he was only 30 years old.
  • In 1974 Eva Mendes was born, an American actress and model, known for her roles in the Ghost Rider, 2 Fast 2 Furious and Hitch. She is a pescatarian and practices transcendental meditation.

Important Historical Events on 5th of March

  • 1046 – The 7-year journey of Nasir Khusraw starts and he later describes it in his book Safarnama.
  • 1836 – The first production model of a revolver is patented by Samuel Colt (born on July 19th).
  • 1879 – Air brake is patented by George Westinghouse (born on October 6th).
  • 1933 – In the course of the Great Depression, "bank holiday" is declared when all U. S. banks had to freeze all financial transactions.
  • 1970 – The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is ratified by 43 nations and goes into effect.
  • 1982 – The Soviet probe Venera 14 lands on planet Venus.

March Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Pisces Information

Additional Information

Pisces - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Pisces Man - information and insights on the Pisces man.

Pisces Woman - information and insights on the Pisces woman.

Pisces Compatibility - the compatibility of Pisces with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Pisces History - the history of Pisces and the stories behind it.

Pisces Symbol - images and interpretations of the Pisces symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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