September 26th Zodiac
Date: September 26th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Color: Apple Green
In One Word: Beauties
Shape: Heart
Strength: Love
Weakness: Submissive
Most Compatible With: Leo
To understand the vibe of September 26th, we need to understand the sensitivity hidden behind an extremely rational and mental nature. This is a date of connecting and relating in its purest form, free from ego and in touch with the Divine. Still, the frailty of those born at this time keeps them stressed in the outer world and gives an even stronger emphasis on ego matters around other people. They seem to take so many things personally, that they lose sight of who they really are out of all those incorporated opinions of their environment.
September 26th Horoscope
The connection of mature beauty and childish love is seen in this row and those born on September 26th seem to understand emotional needs of the entire human kind. Still, this gets to become a weight on their shoulders when they aren’t ready to leave personal matters aside and commit to connecting on levels that overcome the importance of the "I". It is their task to connect the sensual with the fragile and most sensitive need of the Soul and falling in love is a matter of art and absolute fluency in their world.
The story of their primal planetary row would be incredible and truly magnificent if not for the stress of the Sun and Uranus combined in the second row. With their fallen Sun and their tendency to fulfill everyone else's expectations, they will find that their sense of Self needs to fall from the point of status or any achievement in life that might define them, so they can grow and shine in the outer world in all clarity. Their beauty won’t bring respect, and it is the core of their personality that needs to be truly stable in order for them to connect to the right social circle, gain freedom, and move with grace and ease with these extremes balanced.
Love and Emotions
With so much emotion and frailty in their first planetary row, Libras born on September 26th end up in relationships that are colored with incredible feelings, but ego problems could keep them away from the soulmate they wish to find. They are idealistic and hold on to platonic bonds for way too long and might change several partners before discovering their own sense of self-worth in the process of giving their attention to other people.
With their sexuality possibly repressed, they could build an entire world of illusion that will keep them afloat in relationships meant to manifest. Although their rich mind might give them some answers to follow, it is their heart that holds the key out of any misunderstanding and misfortune when it comes to relating. When they are hurt they should say so, while realizing that not everything thrown their way is personal and their own matter to resolve.
It is easy to notice that the purpose in lives of those born on the 26h of September is to find their place in the system and the position that gives them the right amount of energy to be creative and self-sufficient. They need grounding, a powerful link to planet Earth, to their body, and their closest contacts in life, or they might get lost in trying to dial down on natural frustration that is only there to show them the way. It is up to them to get angry, constructive, and fully embrace their responsibility to make the first move towards a productive and fulfilling life.
What They Excel In
A person born on the 26th of September is gentle and kind, tactful and filled with understanding for the way other people behave. Although they sometimes make excellent matchmakers and lovers, they will most likely succeed in areas of life that will make them their own boss instead of relying on anyone else's system. They need freedom of thought and movement and are typically good as freelancers and managers who control their own working hours. They excel in different forms of art, music and when lowering down the guard of their broken Self, they excel in relating.
September 26th Birthday Gift
A choice of a birthday gift for a Libra born on the 26th of September should be sentimental and in touch with their emotional world. They will love pictures, art and music in forms that keep them nurtured and calm, and they will appreciate a baked cake or colorful installations more than other rational Libras might. Still, don’t go over the top and make things too intense, for most of all they still need moderation to keep them in a state of inner balance.
Positive Traits for September 26th Born
Loving, nurturing and kind, they have the emotional foundation for relationships that are pure and untouched by toxic influences from the side. Their world is a home of ideas, something special to appreciate and be thankful for, and they will care for those they love with devotion.
Negative Traits for September 26th Born
When their egocentric tendencies take over they become attached in unhealthy ways, expecting others to think and feel what they do, unable to separate their own world from needs of other people and constantly missing the point.
Healing Crystal
Bustamite may be a perfect choice of stone for those born on September 26th, with its incredible healing properties and contact with their fragile emotional world. It is a stone that attracts blissful feelings and happiness, helping the inner child in these individuals grow, heal, and mend wounds dating way back from their childhood. Apart from resonating with the heart chakra and their emotional world, it is also a grounding crystal that helps one create a safe space for their spiritual growth and the expansion of their Soul.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on September 26th in every year that isn’t a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on September 26th in a leap year:
With their entire lives and their entire social circles changed until true connection happens, these individuals will have to hold on to things they don’t understand until they find someone to talk to about them. They need clarity of shared beliefs and faith in human kind to stop feeling like their life is unfolding before them without them getting involved in it. The motto of this day would be to live in the moment, for changes come unnoticed and entire lives take turns that we fail to see every day. They must find the right crowd to belong to, so their system of support is true and something to rely on in time.
Famous Birthdays on 26th of September
- In 1945 Bryan Ferry was born, an English singer and songwriter, known for his elegant and seductive expression. Several of his partners have appeared as cover models of the Roxy Music albums, and his children have been known to contribute to his music.
- In 1948 Olivia Newton-John was born, an English Australian singer, actress and songwriter, praised for her role in Grease but mostly marked as a successful musician. She has been an activist for environmental and animal rights issues, as well as an advocate for health awareness especially since she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
- In 1956 Linda Hamilton was born, an American actress best known for her role of Sarah Connor in The Terminator film series. Her acting professor in college told her that she had no hope of earning a living as an actress.
Important Historical Events on 26th of September
- 1905 – The first paper on the special theory of relativity is published by Albert Einstein (born on March 14th).
- 1941 – Forming of the Military Police Corps as a permanent branch of the U. S. Army.
- 1960 – The first television debate takes place in Chicago.
- 1969 – The release of the last album recorded by The Beatles.
- 1973 – The first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic is made by the Concorde.
- 1977 – Completion of the first reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant and it opens for official usage.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.